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Posts posted by j0nes

  1. Quote

    :S do you think they're just cruising around the house?

    right, because kids aren't curious and wouldn't do anything to upset a cold-blooded reptile?

  2. I thought it was interesting that the mouse's nose was bluish-purple.

    snakes don't strike me as a loving pet, but whatever floats your boat man. i just hope you don't have children in the house.

  3. Quote

    There times when a poll like this would have a purpose of learning, or getting others thinking.

    I disagree Wendy. I started this poll because I knew there was SOME drug use at my DZ (and some I've visited).

    However as I started hanging out at the DZ until later hours, I saw more people partaking.... some even in your age group!

    So no, this poll was not intended to criticize anyone for their use or non-use.

  4. Quote

    This is also a PUBLIC forum.

    correct... so to recap... we have

    POLL = annonymous
    FORUM = public

    thus, you can vote honestly in the poll without fear of repercussion and as long as you don't post anything, no one will know you feeelings on the issue.

  5. Quote

    You seemed pretty indignant about not being Hispanic. I would've ended my sentence with a period, so as not to indicate indignation or excitement.

    you got me there little one.

    or maybe

    you got me there little one! (to show my indignation)

  6. Quote

    So are you saying you have a problem with Hispanic people? That's pretty fucked up. We should send you away.

    obviously your reading comprehension skills are very low OR you're failing to be funny.

    maybe both.

    probably both.

  7. Quote

    The "2 or 3 soldiers to turn their backs" thing has happened at least half a dozen times, per courts-martial that have found servicemen responsible for torturing and killing detainees. I assume that if someone will turn their back on murder, a little rape would be easier to ignore.

    murder? now you're just making shit up.

    the courts martial convictions were for detainee abuse including such atrocities as picture taking and naked prisoner dog-piles. Must be rough to be a terrorist.........

  8. Quote

    We had a poster here recently who volunteered to help hook the battery cables up to the genitals of Iraqi prisoners. If there's one over here, odds are there is at leat one over there willing to do such things.

    It would take 1 person rape and 2 or 3 more soldiers to turn their backs while it happened. THAT'S the part I disbelieve.