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  1. Is anyone using the Conceptus Tongue Switch in the Lanc jack of their PC1000 having trouble operating the switch? The camera doesn't seem to reconize the switch or the switch doesn't work. I'm using the 2.5mm plug thats required for the camera. Is there a setting I need to adjust in the camera? Please help...I love this camera but if I cannot use the lanc feature...its gone!
  2. I just recently purchased the DCR-PC1000 and have tried to connect and use the Tongue Switch. I cannot get the switch to work for either stills or video. Can you tell me if there is anything I need to set on the camera or adjust to make this operational? How is your working on the PC1000? By the way all, this camera is awsome! The quality of video is exceptional. I am using a Black Box setup but will be unhappy if I cannot use the lanc feature...