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Posts posted by g2gjump

  1. Quote



    if you head north there is a great dropzone at Moosejaw.

    Thats my home dz steve :P kelly is my dad

    Say hello to your dad for me. I plan get up that way, this spring. I don't have a pass-port yet. Is that much of a hassle? Do you know of any good riggers. My reserve needs a repack....

    I can help you out with that repack :)

  2. Hey all, I was curious if anyone knew of any drop zones or skydiving clubs in the Billings area. I'm going to be stuck there for a year or so and I don't feel like driving to bozeman.



  3. Quote

    What if they dont sell the box to fit that camera when he finally get's enough jumps?

    Hardly relevant, you can start building your set up early. Or there is always ebay.

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    Good point, and what is hot and happening right now will be yesterday's news by the time the OP is ready to jump with one.

    My point is that its ok to buy a camera now, learn how to work it from the ground first, then start jumping it.

  5. Quote

    Got to love it.... a thread about Obama's remark regarding Kanye West is quickly derailed by two moderators into a Republican bashing thread. That's complete bullshit and as moderators you both should know better.


    Yep...no different than those who attempt to stymie townhall discussion about healthcare through obnoxious behavior and intentional discussion derailment. Not against rules, however, it is ugly and unbecoming.

    Now who is the one changing the subject? Seriously you guys are comical, please keep it up:)