I have a question: Do you use the terms "bullshit" and "dick" in your everyday language? It shows your true intelligence!!
So lets fill you in on some history:
I have been jumping at LISC on and off for the past 9 years! I never had to sign a non compete contract in the past until an office person allegedly stole documents to give to the competition. Which is the only reason they have the non compete contract and I have no issue signing it each year....
Because it wasn't disclosed by anyone else ill fill you in. The two DZ's are just about on the same airport. The two airports are connected by a grass taxi way and their runways are less than about 50' apart on the North end and I would guess about 300' apart on the south end.
To all: Just because you think a non compete contract will not hold up in court for what ever reason please understand the law before you post your amateur opinion! Thanks..
So lets review the facts:
It did hold up in court!
And if this contract was so egregious, I recommend to Geoff to file suit for damages.. You don't need a big bank account if you are in the right! Most attorneys would take this case for a commission.
Once again for the record: I have know Geoff for about 9 years now, He was the IE that crossed me over from Strong to Sigma. (thanks Geoff) I consider Geoff to be a friend, but I will not sit by and watch this persecution of a DZ and it's owner by uninformed people. (and I'm talking to you to Princess (That's an old joke to one of the posters)) If you don't know the full story please do your due diligence and ask questions before you post dribble.. Thanks