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Gear Reviews posted by dougmoffitt

  1. Just a word of information.

    It takes the ProTrack about 7 seconds, according to Mads Larsen, to decide that it is involved in a jump and to begin recording it.

    I am a student and recently did my 'hop and pop'. The ProTrack recorded nothing! Apparently I exited, got stable and deployed to inflation all in under 7 seconds. Hooray for me, but.. If you do this sort of stuff, the ProTrack will not assist you.

    After such a jump, you need to advance the jump count on the logbook screen and add a few seconds to the accumulated freefall time, if you wish. Mads indicates that JumpTrack will accept all of this. I haven't checked yet.

    I was massively impressed by a personal, weekend response from Mads to my inquiry about what had happened. Would that other firms took customer service anywhere near as seriously.

    I have no intention of ever jumping without a ProTrack!