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  1. Hello, First, the camera did not break off. Everything was still in place. 2nd, I always take a camera when i jump even if there is outside camera. Debriefing is one reason. 3th, it did crossed my mind. But when it occurs, it is always to late. 4th, this was during the practice pulls. There was no snag hazard at that time. And for helping you to understand this all... I think it"s a good idea for using a camera during AFF. This fact will help the students and they don't have to make extra costs for a videoman. It's also usefull for debriefing. But you always have to keep in mind that things can happen. This thing was a combination of different factors. The student did a verry good and "wide"' pull and I was a little bit to high, because he had a verry strong arch. Yes sometimes you can avoid these things and when things occure you can only learn from it. This is an example for everybody that shit can happen. But no offence to GOPRO or the student or somebody else... Cheers
  2. Hi you all! Before raising wrong thoughts or anything else... I was the jumpmaster. I was a little bit to high when the student deployed. The bridle did not get stuck around my Gopro, it just got a way. Lucky me. I never ask money for video, it is just an extra for debriefing. I'm not going to say that gopro is dangerous, but people always have to take notice of these situations. Never, say never....