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Everything posted by tecdady

  1. HA! You guys rock. Made my day. I had the experience you are talking about. The last tandem jump I did, I asked the guy how many years have you been doing this? He says 6. Im like ok thats good enough for me. Then on the canopy ride down I said, BTW how old are you. He says Im 24. I went holly crap! I was amazed at how mature he was and remembered when I was 24 and went good god! Good thing I wasnt jumping people out of airplanes. But alas, I think you are right about the risk avoidance factor. I am doing this with my best friend who is also my age, and have read and read and read every single thing I can about safety and have printed out many articles, threads and posts for my buddy to read. I was lucky enough when I was 21 to go all the way through to get my rescue Scuba cert from a NAUI instructor that would pull us out of the pool by our hair if we so much as left our tank standing on end. Needless to say I think I learned how to be more safe, than I learned about Scuba diving which will most definately carry through in this endeavour (although I will be lucky enough not to have a dive buddy that always gets me in trouble..). Anyways enough ranting. Thanks for the warm welcome from all you fine people. What a great community both online and at the DZ. I look forward to being a contributing part as soon as I advance. Chris Day-Day that CRAAAAAAAZY bitch is out there again!!!
  2. Yeah I guess.... Im just having a real hard time with the big THREE-O coming up so quickly. I guess its all about attitude though. My friends think this is my mid life crisis... I told them if they consider 60 the end of life I feel sorry for them! Chris Day-Day that CRAAAAAAAZY bitch is out there again!!!
  3. Well, Im a student... Jumped the first time when i was 18. Now Im 29. I feel like an old man! Doing my schooling at Parachute Center in Lodi, CA. Got awhopping 2 dives under me w00t! And am praying to God that next Monday and Tuesday are nice enough to finish my student work! As the owner of a large paintball community website, Im stoked to see something like this for skydiving. I have a pretty bad feeling I will be spending more time on this site than my own. I have to admit, after jumping out of a plane, it sure makes all the other bullsh*t you come home to seem a hell of a lot less important. Anyways, hello again to you all. Thanks for all the great articles, and advice on the site. Havent been a noobie in anything for a while, so it deffinately helps. Chris Day-Day that CRAAAAAAAZY bitch is out there again!!!