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Posts posted by bigorangemd

  1. Great thing about my son. He now packs for me. He wanted to charge me but quickly realized that my "Taxi prices" exactly matched my packing bill!;) The only downside is jumping the first few unsupervised pack jobs by you 13 yr. old son makes you think at pull time.:S Good openings though. Just have to teach the kid the RSL doesn't hook to the three ring system!:o

  2. Sounds like you are progressing fairly normally. It takes some time before you can recall much about the dive flow. Talk with your instructors about your progressions and about your stability concerns and arch!

  3. Depends on what I'm doing. Helmet for RW, nothing if I'm freeflying since I'm just starting and only jump with one other person. Jumpsuit for RW, shorts and T if not. I have a Neptune in my helmet with analog on my wrist for RW, Neptune on my wrist if not.

  4. Did my 100th Sat. Did a 13 way round that funneled bigger than anything but was fun. Another jumper had his 100th at the same time so we did numbers 99, 100, 101 together. Great to share a milestone with a friend. Thought I had gotten away clean but later that evening the whipped cream pies with chocolate syrup awaited (SPLAT!);)

  5. Yeah, the little punk wanted to know since he's starting to pack and if he keeps it up in the tunnel, would they let him skip AFF.:S He forgot about the whole saving your life thing at the end. And to that end he's reading The Parachute and its Pilot so he also plans to be swooping during AFF. To be 13 and know everything. I reminded him of "The great teacher" - intense physical agony mentoined several times in the book and that keep it up and he would get a lesson.:)

  6. Have a 13 yr. old who has the skydiving bug. Since he can't jump yet we ran down to Skyventure Orlando to let him try it. We booked 1hr and 15 min. of total time. It was amazing to watch him progress. I had a lot of fun as well. Sure is a great work out (I know my wallets lighter!):P But worth every penny to see his face.

  7. Congrats! Taking my test this coming weekend. Was it really that easy or did you study much. Haven't had much chance to study. Again congrats.