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Everything posted by njrich

  1. Ohhhhhh, RW camps. Tell me more. If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. -Mario Andretti
  2. This is all very encouraging. A tunnel within a 6 hour drive. Just gotta let ya know, these periodic posts/pix help me keep the faith. There are many skeptics down here in NJ as there have been various tunnel projects in the works for years (e.g. on the SkyVenture site, you can still see that the Philly Pa tunnel is promised for the summer of 2005-I'm pretty sure they don't even have a site picked out yet). I keep having this recurring dream that I’ll be driving 6 hours up to NH, I’ll turn the corner and there will be a brand spanking new Wall Mart staring at me. In any case, looking forward to opening day. njrich If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. -Mario Andretti