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Posts posted by justdumi

  1. Quote

    The concept of the smaller canopy producing higher performance at the same WL as a larger canopy should be common knowledge among licensed skydivers.


    Sorry i mis-read that to mean that all licensed skydivers are presently aware of that W/L concept.

    My bad

    Good job on handling the arguments and possibly typing your fingaz to death.

  2. Quote

    I'm not sure how you could read the following and conclude that the 'crash test' would produce equal resutls.


    For one, very light people do need to make adjustments, as WL produces different results at different points along the scale.



    I didnt. You arent understanding me. I just agreed with you and put my own words to it in the way that i understand...and touched it off with an illustration.


    This brings up a good point, however, that you would have some confusion as to what I meant. The concept of the smaller canopy producing higher performance at the same WL as a larger canopy should be common knowledge among licensed skydivers. By no fault of your own, you have revealed the deficiency of the educational side of the problem.

    Again, this is not your fault, but you may want to consider the scope of your knowledge on this subject before proceeding much further with your argument.


    Scope of my knowledge on this subject has been considered and accepted as being reasonable. By no means as wide or extensive as yours but its adequate for discussion purposes.

    Every licensed skydiver should know this? How come? I wont say i knew for sure but its something i had deduced myself over time. Not at A license and i didnt see the opportunity for it to have been taught to me by then anyways. Maybe you should say ideally.

    What is my argument? My argument is that the chart cannot be used as a hard and fast rule because of the reason that it appears to be over-simplified. Maybe at best it can be said to be persuasive but not binding.

  3. Quote

    For one, very light people do need to make adjustments, as WL produces different results at different points along the scale.


    Yeah so looking at it from another angle if you take a 1.5 loaded 250 and take a 1.5 loaded 150 and create a "crash test dummy" type scenario, would you get the same amount of damage occuring to the dummies if you cranked both canopies in?

    Im thinking possibly not (im not too sure but im just flying by touch here).

    In this case then the use of this chart is over simplified to the point where it can be unfair. Surely a jumper loading a 250sf canopy at 1.5 and one loading a 150sf at 1.5 (with equal jump numbers) cant be said to be under the same risk under those wing loadings?

    Maybe the chart incorporates a range of ideal/ acceptable w/l for different wing sizes taking into consideration jump numbers?

    eg someone on x number of jumps can load a 150sf
    at 1.5 but someone also on the same x jumps can be allowed to load a 200sf @ 1.8

    (im just using extreme numbers to help illustrate a point here so take that into consideration)

  4. Quote

    Hi Justdumi

    I have pretty much stuck to the chart in fact I still flying a canopy loaded at 1.0:1

    I totally agree with that chart. As a matter of interest the South African Parachute association has implemented a rule stating that 1.0:1 is the highest anybody can go prior to a 100 jumps.


    I hear you but we pretty much on the same number of jumps just that apparently you weigh less than me because our canopy sizes are also the same except that for me w/l is 1.49 and for you its 1.

    Theres just something off-putting about me trying to use a 250sf canopy. Would you jump one? Im sure me if i jump a 250sf to get that 1.1 w/l i will feel more restricted than you on a 150sf even though we would be at identical wing loadings.

    Why is that? Thats where its easier for you. What did you do your first jump on and then where did you go from there?

  5. Quote

    What do think the future holds? You admit you feel your Wl is aggresive, why not do something about it?


    Well i dont know what the future holds but obviously there are some tests waiting out there (there always are).

    I say my WL is aggressive from stats i have seen or random discussions i have heard not from my own actual performance though.


    Upsizing is done all the time. Lots of guys upsize AFTER an injury, so tey can ease back into things. Is this really the time to upsize? How about before the injury, and preventing the injury all together?


    Honestly i dont know if i will upsize at this point but i do know one thing though. I have realised that the is an urgent need for me to get onto a canopy control course. I have plans to sort that out early 05, and from then i will make a further informed decision. In the meantime i have Brian's book on order and it should be in my hands soon.

    Thats what i intend doing in the immediate furture along with trying to maintain a steady attitude.

  6. Quote

    Wingloading / Number of Jumps
    1.0 / <100
    1.1 / 100-199
    1.2 / 200-299
    1.3 / 300-399
    1.4 / 400-499
    1.5 / 500-599
    1.6 / 600-699
    1.7 / 700-799
    1.8 / 800-899
    1.9 / 900-999
    2.0 / 1000+

    Substract at least one point for every 2000feet of elevation or density altitude above mean see level


    Ok what i have seen here (so far) is higher jump numbers talking. Now enter the lessor numbers. The reason why lesser numbers havent commented so far is probably due to the fact that the majority have exceeded these recommendations and are just like me sitting here shaking their heads (in dispair not disagreement).

    In my case my profile:

    Jumps 200+
    Main 150
    No of jumps on it 150+
    Altitude 5000f AGL (b4 coming to UK)
    Wing loading 1.5

    According to the list when i go back to my home dz i should be on like a 250sf canopy.:o

    So what happens now? I speak the truth that had these limits been known when i started they would be more stomachable (if such a word exhists) but i didnt. I would also be lying if i said im keen to be going to upsize tmrw and start using student gear again.

    I started using the canopy because i "thought" i could handle it. I thought i was ok. As time has gone and i have become wiser (not from my flying or what ive seen) i believed my wing loading to be on the aggressive side. Now i see this and it makes me look insane even though my actual flying hasnt changed and i still feel its ok.

    So what are you saying then now that we have seen these recommendations? The people above 1000 jumps and doing the most talking so far are generally complying with these recommendations because time has allowed them to stop downsizing and the recommendations to catch up...or maybe you actually went along with the programme. I dont know.

    The problems i recon in that case are lying in the jumpers with less than 500 jumps. I bet many dont comply...but look at the implications. What now? Scrap the main and upsize (obviously this causes alarm and dispondency and most could be disgruntled to do so) or just be more terrified from now onwards?

  7. Quote

    My opinion is that a person with 138 jumps in the last 5 years and 250 in 10 years should not be trying to swoop without proper training (if at all).


    I dont get you man. In fact your reasoning process is questionable in itself. For a start why dont you just quote things the way they are ok. Its 138 jumps in 8 months. Dont even insist on anything otherwise.

    Ok Reg. You may have PMed each other and are cool with each other, but unfortunately your sentiments were expressed generally and therefore will be accepted/ questioned by the general.

    Answer this question though if you dont mind. Here is a dude with how ever many jumps (100 jumps on his current canopy which cant be faulted). What do you want him to do under canopy? We have been told so many times "dont downsize before you at least fully understand how to fly your current canopy". What does understanding canopies mean to you? Say Jezz went away and did 1km straight in approaches on the same canopy for another 300 jumps? What would you say then if he asked his question again? What extra would he be guaranteed to have learnt about landing his canopy then?

    Prudent your are...rational you aint. Im sure you have so much fun under canopy.

  8. Actually i think the topic is still online..well as far as the reason that i started the thread.

    From the Arizona incident i had to question the size of canopies being used out there.

    Now it appears too that there are some small reserves being used out there too.

    At the end of the day its the same question (small canopies used in different circumstances...as mains or reserves) so please so let it continue.

  9. How often do you pull straight in approaches on that?;)

    Thats really small man. Sorry did i get you correct that that is your profile you detailed?

    So that would make you a swooper then? Just your profile under your name didnt say swooping as one of your preferred disciplines.

    Thats really small..dude.

  10. I guess with the recent unfortunate incident at Skydive Arizona some of us were really caught unaware that there were actually such small canopies being used out there..be it without the intention of landing.

    Just to update my mind set a couple of questions here

    1) The VX39 is the smallest canopy landed so far right?

    2) What size of other prototype test canopies are out there (prototype in terms of size)?

    3) What is the smallest canopy size being used and landed regularly by the jumper?

    4) Whats the smallest mass produced canopy size out there?

    Just do it....Dumi....dammit!!

  11. Yo

    I have not BASEd before but the thought is there on my mind..but i dont quite know why.

    I just needed to find out more from those that have why it is that they do it. Physical exhileration or what? From one jump to the next what are you aiming at achieving? When you are jumping ..what is it that you are actually doing?

    In skydiving..whether you can turn more points...or swoop much further..there is a way of telling if someone is getting better. Whats the measuring barometer in BASE? Is it measured by what you jumped off? (im shying away from saying.."and how low you opened").

    What i am trying to ask is difficult to put into words but perhaps as we go along i will piece it together.

    To many people who may understand the reasons for skydiving..BASE jumping may still appear to be a lottery. I believe there is more to it..but i would like to hear from those in the know.

    Just do it..Dumi

  12. Dude have you been to a canopy course yet? If you are that unsure about what to do ...thats a good place to start. You will of course take your newly acquired 190 sabre there...and emerge a hopefully more assured and technically adroit user of your wing.

    ..but then again i havent been to one myself...but its high on my agenda..

    give it horns!

  13. Sounds cool and im sure with your enthiusiasm you will make a great marketer for the sport. Things is it can really be frustrating trying to approach people and talk to them about the sport. The average whuffo knows very little about the sport to the point of irritating ignorance...eg "hey how do those skydivers manage to float in the air like that?"

    Thing is the it seems skydiving affects people in different ways at different times. Whenyou start and it hits you have the excitement to talk to everyone you meet about it...then the more adverse encounters you have with the less informed the less you care about them and start to keep your excitement to yourself and those who also skydive. Then you become a professional in the sport and see the need to interact with the greater world once again..but by this stage you have experience on how to approach non skydivers...or even better..how to get them to approach you.

    It sounds like a great idea but have a game plan ready. Speak to some of the more experienced jumpers and those that have been around for ages and see if they can give you tips. You will probably get lots of support from your DZ or skydiving community because they just probably dont have the energy to chase anymore but if you chased and brought them onboard for talks, presentations...demo jumps etc...it could just work!!

    Good luck..and stay strong.

    oh and if someone gets hurt it can weigh on your mind a bit but by no means is it your fault for telling them to skydive. Everyone is told about the risks involved whether they are tandeming or AFF.

    ..and the way the world is shallow...you will find being a woman skydiving marketing operative produces more positive results than when us dudes try it...im not too sure why.:)

  14. Ok Gary listen up closely ...B|

    You seem rather confused. Tell you what...because of limited resources (money and time) and the fact that i know you, have seen you jump and we have similar profiles..this is my advice to you.

    UK is getting cold right now. The weather is getting horrible and you risk going out to the DZ only to sit on your butt all day (already money wasted and time). Get onto the load and the temperatures are starting to become un-user friendly...its too cold to focus or to co-ordinate body movements..and visers dont have wind screen wipers!!

    Go to the tunnel in Paris dude. Bottom line is that skydiving in this part of the world is seasonal for obvious reasons..the seasonal weather changes are hectic. Rather than be too macho and attempt frozen jumps...take life easy in the off season to hone your RW skills in the tunnel in Paris.

    A complete skydive has many facets to it and as long as you are progressing in one of them...it cant be bad. If you feel its time to give that RW some attention in a more learner friendly environment..at this time i say WT boet.