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  1. It will be on I tunes in the US/ Canada tomorrow!
  2. Hi This is the film I created about Carl Boenish and the invention of BASE jumping. At long last!!! Please follow us on Facebook and please help spread the word. Also feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the release. Thank you!!!! Marah
  3. Hi Skydivers, I have been working on a film about Carl Boenish and his films for over 6 years. We are getting close to the finish line. I need contact information from anyone who may have known Carl during his early skydiving years particularly when he was filming Gypsy Moths. Any help with this would be really be appreciated!
  4. Hi Skydivers, I have been working on a film about Carl Boenish and his films for over 6 years. We are getting close to the finish line. I need contact information from anyone who may have known Carl during his early skydiving years particularly when he was filming Gypsy Moths. Any help with this would be really be appreciated!
  5. Please don't put them online, I will do it after my film comes out gladly. You are welcome to make copies and I would also be glad to send copies. Thanks Marah