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Posts posted by Chivo

  1. I agree with lisa... personally I can't stand traffic, so I decided to live close to work (4 miles). I would like to live closer to the DZ, but not if that means having > 1 hour commute to work.

    There are many other things to consider. Good luck and hope to see you in Perris soon.


  2. Well, sort of like...

    Sum (F) = 0
    F = m*a
    since a is gravity and it points down... a = -g so
    F = -m*g

    now we have air resistance right? And the air resistance (Fair) depends on the area (A) of the object coming in contact with the air that changes due to body position. It also depends on a drag coefficient (C) that depends on the clothes you're wearing, and on the density of air at the current altitude D(h). It is all affected by the square of the current speed... if you increase speed, drag force increases too.

    Fair = A*C*D(h)*v^2


    F = -m*g + A*C*D(h)*v^2

    And we know that if we have reached Terminal Velocity, that F = 0.

    The rest is simple substitution.



  3. Hey JT, at the current rate, this thread will stay in the first page of talkback for a while!

    Plus, we do have a record: Largest hybrid formation out of a Cessna!

    I know it won't be difficult to beat, but they'd have to do it out of a cessna too!!!

    Plus, it is a good reason to post-whore!
