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Posts posted by BobMoore

  1. Quote

    ... or he played the position of the tight end?? :P

    Sad to say that after many years of playing the position of tight end he gradually became a wide receiver.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  2. Quote


    When all else fails... a sectional and a whiskey compass. Would more would a man need?

    An altimeter, airspeed indicator and engine instruments according to the FAA. A bit more if flying at night or IFR.

    Wow! I can see your rigid back from way over here. You need to relax a bit. He's talking about what's needed to find your way around the sky, not what the FAA requires for a legal flight. And he was saying it with humor not sarcasm.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  3. Quote

    Other than that, show up, and tell them you are a perfect juror, you can tell a guilty person just by looking at them....your dismissed!

    Tell the judge you find yourself sexually attracted to the prosecuting attorney. Curiously, this works whether the prosecuting attorney is male or female.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  4. Sure, there's been a skydiver in space. Dr. Mary Ellen Weber was an astronaut and went up on two shuttle missions. She was an active skydiver in the Houston area when I visited there, don't know if she is still there.

    I know, that's not what you meant ...
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  5. Quote

    Come on everyone. Upper winds and winds aloft both describe the type of air that circulates inside the airplane on the clime up. its the air that no one will take responsibility for. Who would want to know its speed?

    Phew! That's foul!
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  6. Quote

    One of the benefits of the AFF instructor rating, students grow attached to you no? :)

    I think it's the uniform. Chicks dig that.:)
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  7. Quote



    What a strange requirement to have to do 2 night jumps for your d licence.

    That's what I thought, too. Maybe they felt they had to justify the "Master Skydiver" label they put on the D license.

    That always embarrassed me. I didn't feel that I was a master skydiver then and I don't now.

    The "Master skydiver" label was eliminated years ago.

    Yeah, and years ago was when I got my "Master skydiver" license, back when you could get it with only 200 jumps in your logbook.

    It's great for when the media show up at the DZ. I've seen "Master skydivers" whip out their d-license and impress the gullible newspaper reporters.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  8. Okay, I'll be first. Back when I was doing tandem and AFF I much preferred tandem, by a huge margin, but that is because I was working at a tandem factory and was doing maybe 20 tandems for every 1 AFF. I was very comfortable with tandem and felt like I could handle anything (maybe that's a bad feeling to have?) but when I was on an AFF jump I was VERY aware of all that could go wrong, and it scared me.

    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  9. I would recommend you don't second-guess your instructor. Don't look for advice from anonymous posters on an internet forum. Ask your instructor. If you think he's full of B.S. (and with four jumps why would you think that?) then maybe look for another instructor.

    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  10. Quote

    Hard to keep enough people from drinking after sunset to get a load together, which makes it even more special when you actually get to do one.

    I will never forget the generosity of three of my friends who were willing to delay the after-sunset beer so that I could get my night 4-stack patch. That's when you learn who your friends are.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  11. Quote

    What a strange requirement to have to do 2 night jumps for your d licence.

    That's what I thought, too. Maybe they felt they had to justify the "Master Skydiver" label they put on the D license.

    That always embarrassed me. I didn't feel that I was a master skydiver then and I don't now.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  12. Quote

    We received that certification in 2000 when we helped Hank Caylor beat his reckless endangerment charge in Denver.



    I'll have to modify my opinion of you. You are now my hero.

    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  13. I'm new to the forum and don't know my way around posting photos yet. I have a photo album on the 'net and just uploaded a shot of Pat I took in the plane at a world record attempt. He's the one wearing yellow.

    I put the photo in the album labeled "Skydive Lost Prairie" although we were at Skydive Chicago, sometime around 1998, I think. Eventually I'll reorganize that website.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  14. Quote

    I should be all packed, helmet full of socks and boxers as the suitcase is a bit on the small side:D

    And I thought I was the only one who jammed socks and boxers in my helmet. The altimeter gets buried in there, too.:D
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  15. He was my plane captain on one of the Roger Nelson world record attempts. A cool guy, real down to earth personality.

    Yes he was a pilot but did he ever get his pilots license?
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  16. Quote

    I remember a time before the tandems .

    That's when I liked being a skydiver and skydiving.

    We jumped 182's mostly. Occasionally a Beech 18 might frequent the dropzone.
    That was a great day.

    Your information says "In Sport : 8 years". I'm confused.

    Just asking ...
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  17. Quote

    These are the type of things a TM should know about each of thier customers rather than power tripping on them and making them feel less than human for not performing 'perfectly'.

    I was never inclined to "power tripping" and I certainly never made "them feel less than human for not performing perfectly". I'm not sure where you got that from. I have had the classic "98 pound weakling" holler at me to give him the ride of his life and I have had super macho studly guys pass out on me.

    I remember one lady who threw up under canopy. She said she was so tense in freefall and after the parachute opened the shock and realization that she just jumped out of an airplane caused her to lose it.

    She came back out a couple weeks later, requested me for her tandem again, and threw up on me again. And, no, I wasn't radical under canopy. She said she didn't have a history of being air sick or car sick and she loved roller coasters. She was well on her way to her 1,000th jump by the time I lost track of her.

    It's good you haven't been puked on for about 2000 tandems. You can take pride in the fact that you are "in touch" with your customer. Or maybe it's just been that long since you have jumped with someone who has a weak stomach.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  18. I'm not good at telling a story like you people but, my most memorable tandem would have to be taking my 96 year old grandfather. We went out of a Cessna with my best friend doing the video. We had to hurry because weather was rolling in. On jump run the plane was heading towards the biggest cloud I've ever seen, a wall of white (and some not so white) from 2000 ft up to I don't know how high, and only about a mile in front of us.

    The skydive was excellent. He waved at the camera, totally aware of everything. Since the weather was coming that was the last load of the day and EVERYBODY on the DZ was out at the peas for the landing.

    He got a lot of mileage out of that video. Whenever someone new visited the retirement home they were taken to his room to see his video. At his funeral four years later it was mentioned that he made a skydive with his grandson and there was a audible gasp from some members of the congregation that were not aware of what he did, at such an advanced age.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  19. "... The lack of cross ports and a poor design makes the corners of the nose fold under while spiraling hard ... "

    After being thrown up on under canopy more than once I decided it would be a good idea to not spiral hard.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."

  20. Quote

    Some S&TA's have no instructional ratings at all. There are no time in sport, ratings, jump numbers, etc, requirements to be appointed an S&TA.

    Perhaps the S&TA should be re-named something else. If they are advising Instructors and they have no instructional ratings I could imagine that not going over very well. Maybe they should be called Safety Advisors.

    On another subject, one of the course evaluators at my AFF Jumpmaster certification course could easily be described as "a tool". The other candidates and even a couple of the other evaluators shared that opinion. Who would be responsible for this tool to be kept away from students? My opinion is the DZ owner or Chief Instructor.
    "For you see, an airplane is an airplane. A landing area is a landing area. But a dropzone... a dropzone is the people."