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Everything posted by ekg

  1. I am the relatively new girlfriend of a BASE jumper and recently saw him jump for the first time. While I did not suffer the same effects as pullhigh's wife, I think I understand where she's coming from. Seeing the person you love plummet towards the earth is a very profound experience. I think the significant other of any BASE jumper, whether or not they themselves are jumpers (I am not), has to reserve a space within themselves that they keep as a safe haven. There has to be somewhere or something that you keep for yourself in case something goes wrong. It is just a matter of degree. In the case of the wife of pullhigh, she has just detatched too much, let the fear of losing him overwhelm her and cause her to allow that space fill her entire being. She also may feel a little resentful because she perceives that her husband is being selfish by putting his love of BASE before his love of her. She needs to remember, however, that BASE is a part of what makes the man she loves with the man that he is. The general consensus seems to be talk, talk, talk. You may lose your wife anyway, but almost certainly will unless you guys can talk about it.