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Posts posted by jerryzflies

  1. Quote


    >Which "usual deception" is that, Bill . . .

    Switching him from a republican to a democrat as soon as his misdeeds become public. You may have remembered FOX doing that back when the Mark Foley scandal broke.

    (Note that when a democrat is doing well, ahead in the polls or whatnot, FOX tends to replace their party affiliation with "republican.")

    Ah, I see - sort of the like the "normal deception" of the REST of the MSM making sure that party affiliation is mentioned in the first couple sentences if the miscreant is a republican, while conveniently forgetting to mention it until the last couple paragraphs (if at all) if it's a democrat?

    Doesn't all the whining and sniveling about the unfairness of the media get tiring?

    The GOP sets itself up for this by preaching it's the party of "family values" at every opportunity.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  2. Quote

    You may want to research your biggoted statements before you post. When the Bush plan failed and the laws were being enforced, it was reported that 1) the money being sent to Mexico had become much smaller and 2) they were leaving in droves..

    The biggest recession in 70 years - Bush's way of sending illegal immigrants home;)
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  3. Quote


    "A state that required a bare minimum of intelligence and education - e.g., step into the polling booth and find that the computer has generated a new quadratic equation just for you. Solve it, the computer unlocks the voting machine, you vote. But get a wrong answer and the voting machine fails to unlock, a loud bell sounds, a red light goes on over the booth - and you slink out, face red, you having just proved yourself too stupid and/or ignorant to take part in the decisions of grownups."

    Right. And once, say, the Green party gets into power, the question could become something like "which anthropogenic emissions cause global warming?" And if you answer "none" then a loud bell sounds, a red light goes on over the booth - and you slink out, face red, you having just proved yourself too stupid and/or ignorant to take part in the decisions of grownups.

    How would you be with that?

    Once it's proven...I'm fine with that. There's still that pesky problem with CO2 *lagging* temperature in the historical record - I guess Obama's "Green Czar" will have to fix that.

    Just because you say it's not proven doesn't mean it's not proven.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  4. Quote


    I have never resided in a monarchy, so why should I bother to have a position? :)
    (but if you like you can make up whatever position you want to argue against)

    as i've already said - right-libertarianism is a peculiar us construct with no real application either there or anywhere else.

    Your left-libertarianism appears to involve killing geese that lay golden eggs.

    You seem pissed that Charles made money in legitimate business deals during the recession - well, I wish I had his acumen late last year.

    You seem in denial that the Royals contribute way more to the Treasury than they take from it.

    All on account of your socialist ideology.

    (I thought I had socialist tendencies until I read your posts)
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  5. Quote

    These little stories don't make front page news, but the cat is out of the bag for those who deny he will try to push amnesty. Yahoo.

    Who denied it? Even GWB tried (and failed) to do it. It's far cheaper than any alternative, such as mass arrests and deportations.

    Trouble is too many ignorant yahoos who just want to punish the illegals without having any idea of the costs of doing so.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  6. Quote

    I'm against paying taxes to give someone else a break on a new car. I don't care what the damn justification.


    AGreed, but I also find it unsavory that the beneficiaries are limited to those who bought gas guzzlers in the first place. Someone who has an old car getting 25mpg can't benefit if they buy a new 35mpg model.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  7. Quote


    Or perhaps some people realize they're not perfect, and thus spend less time telling others how they should live their lives.

    Oh dude - Like telling me what kind of car to drive, how much money I can make, which doctor I can use, things like that?

    Give details of the people who have done that.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  8. Quote


    Last year the Prince's income from the Duchy rose by £1.1 million to £16.3 million. He paid just under £3.25 million income tax. The value of the Duchy of Cornwall estate, which is spread over 54,764 hectares across three counties mainly in the south west of England, rose in 2007 by eight per cent to £647 million. It was created by Edward III in 1337 to provide a private income for the heir to the throne.

    On Monday June 28 Buckingham Palace will also publish the annual report into the cost of the monarchy which last year was £40 million. The Queen's private wealth has been the subject of huge speculation. Buckingham Palace has not discussed it since 1993, when the Lord Chamberlain dismissed estimates of the value of her assets at more than £100 million as "grossly overstated".

    Is there something wrong with inherited wealth? It appears he pays tax on the income, like any other heir to a fortune would.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  9. Quote


    He's not saying that Clinton, Edwards, and Jackson were anymore right or wrong than Ensign, but the point is that Clinton, Edwards, etc didn't preach to the country about 'wholesome conservative values,' or bash gays, or point fingers and call anybody sinners,

    I've never heard Ensign preach, bash gays, or call anyone a sinner. Have you? If you have links to any speeches, please provide them.

    I guess you missed his comments on Clinton and Craig, both of whom he called on to resign for their pecadillos.

    MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Ensign, let me begin with you. One of Senator Craig's advisers is quoted in The New York Times this morning as saying, "Larry was shocked by the deafening silence by some and the rush to judgment by others, even in his own leadership." Was this a rush to judgment?

    SEN. ENSIGN: I don't think so, simply because Larry had admitted guilt. This wasn't like he was just charged with something, especially something that he denied. He had admitted guilt, guilt to something that I thought was not only embarrassing to himself and his family but also to the whole United States Senate. That's one of the things that I -- I'm proudest about our leadership, is the swift action, not only calling for an immediate Senate investigation, ethics investigation, removing him from his committees, but also sending the signal to him that it was probably best that he resign. It was best for himself, best for his family, and best for the institution of the Senate.


    Are you saying that Democrats don't take a stand on fidelity because they know one day they are likely to get caught or because they don't think it's very important?

    Maybe it's just because they don't believe in preaching to others on moral issues, like Ensign did.

    The issue is hypocrisy, not fidelity.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  10. Quote

    You must take me for someone who gives a damn about how other countries think about our internal affairs. Cause I dont...........

    Just like you don't care what your readers think of your analytical, grammatical, and logical skills?;)
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  11. Quote

    A few years back Mayor Daley passed a law that made it illegal for more than two people to gather on the public streets.

    He lost the ensuing lawsuit and now has a law that says you must have a permit to protest, unless of course you are a million illegal aliens.;)

    Mayor Daley doesn't pass laws.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  12. Quote





    You're out of line on this one quade

    I'm not surprised you think so. So, please, go back and read everything I've written in this thread and point out to me where I stepped over the line. I understand where people don't like to have their little name calling games called out in public. I get that. He used it, I called it out. Tough.

    Go back and read everything I've written in this thread and show me where I made a racist comment (other than in your own mind, that is).

    Stop whining, he caught you fair and square.

    Then fucking PROVE it - he damn sure hasn't.

    The proof is in your own word used in this very thread.

    The man doth protest too much, methinks.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  13. Quote



    You're out of line on this one quade

    I'm not surprised you think so. So, please, go back and read everything I've written in this thread and point out to me where I stepped over the line. I understand where people don't like to have their little name calling games called out in public. I get that. He used it, I called it out. Tough.

    Go back and read everything I've written in this thread and show me where I made a racist comment (other than in your own mind, that is).

    Stop whining, he caught you fair and square.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  14. Quote

    "The most likely candidate for elimination is the Office of Thrift Supervision, whose failure to detect and forestall problems at Countrywide, IndyMac, Washington Mutual and other freewheeling mortgage lenders is thought to have contributed to the financial crisis."

    Good! The Office of Thrift Supervision is a joke, a dismal failure, and deserves to be eliminated.

    However, I'm surprised that you still pay any attention to Sun Young Moon's mouthpiece.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  15. Quote

    Funny...I don't recall Ted Kennedy resigning from the Senate or Barney (the banking queen) Frank resigning from the House.

    Ensign should do exactly what he told Clinton to do after the Monica affair came out. RESIGN.

    It's called practising what you preach.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  16. Quote

    You bring a valid counter argument to the table... should I believe the forensic expert hired as a consultant in an international case of interest... or the person on the internet.

    Absolutely. Air crash investigation is the province of technical experts and is not amenable to polling on the internet.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.