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Posts posted by jerryzflies

  1. Quote


    I considered mentioning rolled up magazines, but while I've seen those put to use, I've not use them.

    How about an 18" nylon strap with an 8oz steel weight on the end? How's that sound? Stick your hand in the loop on one end, hold on to the strap and you have an extra 12-14" of reach with a nice weight on the end.

    Google "wilderness instructor belt"

    Did you mean the Wilderness Instructor Belt that is, in fact, HALF the weight you claim, or did you have some other belt in mind?

    Maybe he has the optional buckle.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  2. Quote

    2. Think that a lawful citizen should be allowed weapons that can be used for self defense?

    Once you put a qualifier like "lawful" you are admitting that some classes of citizen (felons) CAN be denied. You just killed your own argument.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  3. Quote



    >is working for ya?

    Working fine for me.

    >gasoline price ..its up

    Good! Nothing will do more to help us in the long run than higher gas prices.

    > up

    Nope, sorry, it's down. 97% of US households got a tax cut under the stimulus bill. Most republicans have been reduced to complaining that's it's not big enough.

    Note that when you get your facts wrong, and can't even spell the names of the people you're attacking, people may not take your posts seriously.

    One year ago today the average price of gasoline was $4.12/gal. Today it is $2.61

    One year ago today the $US was worth .634Euro
    Today the $US is worth .709Euro

    One year ago today the $US was worth .507 UK pounds
    Today the $US is worth .607 UK pounds

    Looks like namgrunt is just plain WRONG.

    If the wrong things aren't Obama's fault then the positive things aren't his doing either. I assume you'll be thanking Bush for all of those improvements.

    Neither Bush nor Obama are responsible for Namgrunt's errors of fact.

    Bush gave us this recession. It started in December 2007. GOP denials of 'The "R" Word' led to it's becoming the worst since WWII.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  4. Quote

    >why so many right wing posters on these boards have such a flagrant
    >disregard for correct spelling.

    Because they're regular joes; they're not factinistas on the nerd patrol. People who spell well are generally liberal elitist pigs who live in ivory towers and don't know what it's like in the real world. Heck, they probably even speak French.

    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  5. You sure BARF alot.

    Your version of crying "Wolf"?

    How to turn "barf" into "wolf" changing one letter at a time:

    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  6. Quote




    If healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be provided for all, who would you deny it to?

    You would not "deny" it to anybody. On the other hand, you would not "provide" it to the significant part of the population that both "provides" it for themselves and "provides" it to others.

    If people provide it for themselves, it IS being provided. The issue is people who ae unable to provide it for themselves. If they are unable due to age, sickness or whatever to provide for themselves and society won't provide it either, then they ARE being denied the basic necessities of life.

    There's a document signed 233 years ago today that mentions the right to "Life...". There isn't any small print saying "not applicable to orphans, the elderly, or the handicapped)

    Ok - so by your words that life is a "right", abortion is a violation of one's rights. Please confirm or deny.


    When fetuses are given social security numbers and get tax breaks you may have a point.

    Slaves, women, fetuses and other non-human lifeforms were obviously excluded from any natural rights. After all, Jefferson and many of the other signers kept (and fathered) slaves.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  7. Quote




    >Because changing the subject is easier.

    Are you implying I changed subject?

    You tried, with the war spending and corporations bullshit. Didn't succeed, though.

    "Thread drift happens", mnealtx

    Thread drift is when there's MORE than one post taking it in a different direction.


    Who made you the arbiter of the Internet?

    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  8. Quote


    If healthcare, food and shelter shouldn't be provided for all, who would you deny it to?

    Why are we not providing food and shelter before thinking about healthcare?

    WE provide some stingy welfare payments and foodstamps, and most local governments provide shelters for the homeless.


    An interesting follow up question: if food and shelter are more important than healthcare (and for basic survival they obviously are) should we prioritize health care for everyone in our country above food for everyone in the world? Shouldn't all the hungry be fed before we start providing healthcare for anyone?

    BTW, there's a huge difference between "not providing" and "denying." Do you really think of yourself as denying food to the 800 million hungry people in the world? That's quite a chunk of personal responsibility you've chosen for yourself.

    No, our "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is only responsible to (and for) our people. We are NOT responsible for the rest of the world. But we (through our government of the people, by the people, for the people) are responsible to ALL our people, even the destitute. So not providing for someone who is unable for some reason to provide for herself, is indeed denying.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  9. Quote



    Had she been non-religious and had a (D) behind her name I have little doubt she would have been liked by those who hated her and hated by those who dote on her.


    And if Stalin had been more like Ghandi I expect a lot more people would have liked him too.

    True. But then Stalin would not have been Stalin and upwards of 20 million Russians wouldn't have been murdered.

    If Palin were non-religious and a Dem, she wouldn't be Palin.


    and Ghandi would not have been Ghandi had he been a successful barrister and had been non-religious.

    Are you comparing Palin and (R) with Stalin?

    No, just pointing out the silliness of your statement (although both have names ending in "alin").

    "If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle" comes to mind, too.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  10. Quote

    Had she been non-religious and had a (D) behind her name I have little doubt she would have been liked by those who hated her and hated by those who dote on her.


    And if Stalin had been more like Ghandi I expect a lot more people would have liked him too.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  11. Quote

    Yes, as WEndy noted, it was a joke. But since you're new here and don't really know me yet, I probably should have used the :P icon to make that clear. Sorry.

    You should see what it's like in Bonfire. Here in SC, we just imply that each other is stupid. In Bonfire, they routinely call each other goat-fuckers.

    You have something against goats?
    I guess you aren't of Greek descent.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  12. Quote


    I take it you also went to private school?

    Funny story-

    I went to public school, main reason being because the private schools in my area (obviously not true for the nation...) but anyway the private schools had much less regulation than the public schools. The teachers at the private school were actually a lower quality with less credentials; a bunch of these idiots ended up paying (a lot) for a lesser education :)
    Anyway, as long as one goes to school and makes an effort to get educated, he/she can keep moving forward, private education or public. As with everything, just make the effort and WORK for it.

    Anyone see that news article on recently? The homeless girl that just graduated from a PUBLIC high school and will be attending HARVARD next year?

    Edit: "She has attended 12 schools in 12 years; lived out of garbage bags among pimps, prostitutes and drug dealers." And now she's goin to Harvard cuz she worked her @$$ off.,0,1882109.story

    Good for her, clearly a success story for the socialist public school systems. Under a pure capitalist system she'd still be illiterate.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  13. Quote


    I remember another one (don't recall the source, though) It's something like "Socialism works fine until you run out of someone else's money"

    I believe that was Margaret Thatcher.


    Margaret Thatcher, in a TV interview for Thames TV This Week on Feb. 5, 1976, Prime Minister Thatcher said, "...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."

    I remember her, she was Ronald Reagan's speechwriter, right?
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

  14. Quote

    It's Proper Prior Planning..... a bit redundant but I think whoever coined it must have just wanted a bunch o p's.

    Your point is well taken, as usual. I was speaking of my own perceptions of 43 admin. I fine with lessons learned, but what I think is not intellectually honest with a lot of the Bush bashers is simply to say the war is a farce because there were no WMDs found. He wouldn't let us inspect,

    FACT - Bush Administration tells UNSCOM inspectors to leave Iraq, 17 March 2003. UNSCOM had reported cooperation of Iraq regime in its last report.

    FACT - UNSCOM found no evidence of WMDs and reported as such.

    FACT - Coalition troops found no WMDs or evidence of any active program.

    FACT - The Bush administration lied its way to the invasion by suppressing all intel contrary to its position.
    If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.