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Everything posted by realityofit2004

  1. I will just talk about his not strong enough sex drive! Now that is FUNNY!!!!
  2. LOL Sh.. don't tell anyone about my being here it is a secret! Oh toy this! The other person is just pissed cuz you beat them at their own game, then all of a sudden, I'm going to be mean and act like I never liked you.. waaaa. Some people are just dumb.. and others are just full of cum.. it's the way the world is :)
  3. I'm sure your fine.. I'm the master and destroying things beyond repair.. we all need our talents!
  4. But what if the owners know and partake as well? Which is the reason, why people think it is ok and that they have the right to do what they want at the dz.
  5. yeah hi, can you use your words.. I didn't quite understand that. I didn't realize we were playing pictionary
  6. You think so? Tell that to Ron Passmore or Bruce. Sorry. You are quite wrong. Two graves at your dz prove that right there. Yeah hey guess what, read it again, I was talking about being messed up while jumping. If you are going to jump when your fucked up then you deserve to die. What I was saying is that if you get enough sleep, chances are you are good to go in the morning and people that use drugs regular know when they are ok to resume with their day. Two graves doesn't prove shit, how many times has anyone jumped to get over a hang-over? It's the same dam thing weather it is drugs or alcohol. Ok that's it.. all dz should be "dry" of everything. Oh. wait wake up we don't live in a perfect world. Besides, the cops wouldn't come around if people didn't post shit on the internet for people to read! May as well just get the damn place closed down if it pisses you off that much, and all the rest of the dz too.
  7. But in the same token someone that stopped drinking at 4am and is on the 9am load, will still have alcohol in their system.
  8. Hey I know there are problems at the dz.. many more then just drug use, but there are different ways of handling them.. and there is always one choice to be made, to jump.. or not to jump. But thanks for your support!
  9. I could not help but reply to this thread as I'm sure many of us have our opinions, mine is just this. I know exactly what incident you are talking of Val, and to be Frank I think it is rather rediculous that you post it on this website because people at the dz this past weekend did not give you the response you were looking for. I personally can not stand it when people having no knowledge of drugs throw such a hissy fit. You should worry more about the people that are inexperienced under canopy then someone having an acid flashback from 10 years ago under canopy. People that are older that do drugs know their drugs, they research them, they know what effects they are going to have on their body and when it is safe for them to continue jumping, when you have partyed all night and got a good amount of sleep and feel great to jump it's pretty aggrevating to have some girl get on her high horse acting like your mom telling you her opinion when she has nothing to back it up when I'm sure she has jumped hung over PLENTY of times. It's plain and simple, you don't like it don't be around it, there are plenty of people who don't use around the dz go hang with them. As far as your comment of drinking, your full of shit all people have to do is read your previous threads and no you don't feel "guilty" if you drink too much. Did it ever occur to you that some people may not feel comfortable with girls running around the hanger with dildo's? It is a family dropzone. Just because you have to advertise that you know how to masturbate doesn't necessarily make others comfortable, I think personally it's pretty sick less it was a hot chic.. you have in your profile your link to jumping with vibrators, I'd be more pissed knowing I got taken out by a lost vibrator in the sky then someone who was a little foggy from a night of fun. So what are you going to do now, police the dropzone, run around and make people breath in your little keychain before getting on the plane? Become the dz narc? Sounds like you got a good plan there. The reaility of it is.. what you think doesn't matter, you are responsible for yourself, YOU have the choice to get on the plane with those people who you "fear." It's a dangerous sport period. Don't get me wrong here, I don't think people should use while jumping, but if someone did something the night before, drug wise.. usually your a lot better off after a night of drugs then ya are of drinking.. just my two cents.