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Everything posted by dazza

  1. Hi Tim its horse (NZ) thought I'll reply to you and say hi.Quote Heres the half the reasons and answers. APF put in place 500 jumps because when we started doing it in Cairns (Aust)we figured we had better put a recomendation in before the APF make their own rule. (they have a habbit of making rules for the sake of it!) The 500 jump number was a knee jerk suggestion with no logical reason behind it except that we all had that many tandems behind us except one newly rated TM. Wrist cam can be done safely if the TM is a full time jumper not a weekend warrior and if you consider comparing part timers (camera) and a professional doing wrist cam it doesn't take a genius to work out what is safer when you look at some of the camera helmet around. I recommended 100 jumps ages ago but with dropzone safety officer approval or Chief Instructor Because in a full time situation with the support of other exprienced TMs a TM with only 100 jumps can easy transition to doing wrist cam. Its all about having a routine a sticking to it! Something that should be drummed in well before getting an A licience and hammered in again when getting their TM rating. And the subject of money... One DZ/business owner did a wristcam with the idea of reducing payments got down and told his instructors "you can have your $50 bucks" I'm presently in Japan earning $100 bucks a jump doing wristcam and I don't even edit the thing. If TMs want to "sell out" and do it for stuff all go for it. They will burn out and I'll get a phone call one day to help get the job done. http://www.skydivinghandicam.com