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  1. Thank you for a sons view point . Yes I have gone to the drop zone and almost had a heart attack . Have taken martial arts with him until I got tired of being his spaing partner (only time he could sock mom and get away with it or get points. Yes I am proud he wants to fight for our country . BUT I really dont think he has all the facts. If he is looking for something I don't know that this is it (being His mom) I am really concerned that he will get hurt naturally and love him so much . Now I don't understand about let him go if you love him. He is not a damn butterfly. HE IS MY FLESH AND BLOOD I do care what he does even if he is 100 years old
  2. I am his mon and I could not be happier for his achievments that anyone. Like his wife I have prayed for his saftey on a daily basis. We do support him in his dangerious life style. But come on guys this is my ONLY SON AND ONLY CHILD and I think he for a 23 year old has accomplished a lot. I dont't think he has fully seen the big picture. And affraid it will be to late so sorry. beside I AM TOO OLD FOR BOOT CAMP reserve or full time PS Dont' sign anything[email]