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Posts posted by LongWayToFall

  1. I see how having 2 handles would complicate things, but i was just wondering if there was an alternative to what i always hear in my safety videos "disconnect any RSL and cutaway", it just seems like locating a little yellow tab would take allot of time, if not being impossible in some situations. Thanks for the responces!


  2. The system wouldn't be all that much more complicated, think of having the handle that cuts the RSL on top of the cutaway only, and just slides up and down on the cutaway lines. the top of the handle would have a line attatched to the snap connector, and on activation would disconnect the snap and continue down the lines and hit the lower handle, pulling it. There are also situations that require immediate disconect of the RSL, that you couldnt know about beforehand. For instance, what about a baglock? If it pulls you up into a standing position, you would have a good chance of going onto your back when you disconnected. with an RSL, that could be bad news. I realise having 2 handles is more complicated in the fact that you have to choose which one, but isnt one action cutaway more advantagous?

  3. Hello, i was reading through posts and looking on the RWS website about the skyhook and it's advantages. It seems the system is an advantage because it allows the reserve parachute to be deployed very quickly, however i had a question regarding the quick release of the RSL. If the jumper wanted to disconnect the RSL and go back into freefall before deploying his reserve, he would be required to pull the yellow tab that is attatched to the snap connector, then pull his cutaway handle. It seems to me that this 2 step process could be simplified with 2 cutaway handles, one that activated the cutaway while leaving the RSL connected, and another that disconnected the RSL at the same time cutting away. This would eliminate having to find the yellow tab under a panic situation (CRW wrap etc) and allow you to perform the desired cutaway as rapidly as possible. I'm not sure what exactly would be involved with making this setup work, but i thought i would throw it out there. Hopefully somebody can tell me why it hasnt been done already?

  4. I also have lower back pain after jumps. Some things I found helped me was limiting myself to 2 jumps a day tops, and stretching for a good 10-15 min before going up. Touching your toes with alternate hands, and bending over while grabbing the backs of your knees seems to work really well for targeting that area, although im sure other people will chime in with plenty others. Hope this helps!

  5. so somebody has jumped the pakistan wall huh? man im gunna need to go and buy that video. Yeah the acceleration section on a mountain that high up (20,000+ft msl) would have to be huge, takes awhile to build up the needed speed to track. I will look around online more and see if i can find anything bigger. :)

  6. Hello, i would like to start of by saying that i have been interested in base jumping for a long time but know that i need more skydiving experience before i'm ready for it. That being said, i have been thinking about the longest base jump possible without using a wingsuit. Where on this planet would somebody be able to do this? Last night i had a dream about a cliff in pakistan that looked pretty nice, but i think there are bigger. Mabey some of the more experianced jumpers on this board could tell me what the requirements would be of such a mountain, specifically the distance needed to build up speed enough to track away from the face and the maximum angle the mountain could have below. If nobody is interested in this idea then i will delete the thread but imagine how cool it would be jump a 30+ second delay?

  7. I dislocated my shoulder a few years ago, in a dirt bike crash. You should be very careful, after i knocked it out the first time, the ligiments and tendons are stretched out and will NOT hold your shoulder in place as well as it used to. i ended up needing surgery to fix the problem, but now it is REALLY in there, not gunna happen again. you should definitly wear a brace, this will decrease the chance of it popping out allot. also, be careful when you deploy, that angle always tweaks my shoulder in a direction that makes it feel looser. best of luck!

  8. My dad has a 180 that he somewhat recently put a 520 in out of a crashed plane. It has been pretty trouble free, and it was fairly cheap to begin with. If you didnt want to drop the money on a complete new motor, might be something to look at. btw, i was wondering where people go for those fold up doors, my dad sorta agreed to let me jump his plane when i get my A. thanks!

  9. be sure you are running the updated drivers for both the video card and the bios. 11,000 isnt super high, this system is doing 20,000+ (3d mark 2001), but then again i have amd64 3700+, 9800 pro and a gig of ram. try those drivers, let us know.

  10. yup :) got to do 2 jumps last sat, everything went well and i passed both. i need to work on a few small things, but i talked with my instructors and have a few methods to help me out. my back hurt for a few days after the jumps though, anybody else get that?

  11. i am not suggesting you take more pills than what the doc says, my friend was saying that you can just regulate when you take them during the day to better reflect your cravings. If taking a pill will keep somebody from going insane because of the lack of nic, and has been proven to work effectively, then why not? the doctor will only give you the number you need to quit, so even if you started to get addicted to those you wouldnt be able to get more, at least easily. it has been proven that something like 99% of people who try to quit cold turkey fail. whats worse, dying with lung cancer at 40, or admitting you cant do it without help and just getting the shit done with.

  12. man those are some good jokes. i have a couple.
    why do 747s have a hump in the front? so the pilots can sit on their wallets.

    whats the difference between a good landing and a great one? a good landing you walk away from, a great one you can still use the plane.

  13. i have been smoking for a little over a year now, and am thinking about quiting. a friend of mine said that the best way to quit is a drug called Zyban. generic forms are Bupropion or Wellbutrin. It is actually an antidepressant, but works very well for quiting. you take like 4 pills a day for a week while still smoking, and after that your cravings just go away. you continue to take it for a couple weeks after, and then stop. he also said that you can pop a pill if you get a sudden craving and it kills it almost instantly. i think i might make an appointment to see my doc and get some. (its prescription). good luck to all of you who are trying to quit, i havent tried yet but have gone a day or 2 without having one (almost a pack a day smoker) and i know how it feels. and i hate to break it to you, but i have been told the worst is about a week into quitting, so if the patch and gum dont work, give this stuff a try.

  14. Quote

    At the same time, I also would give anything they would take, I have signed a DNR so that I don't end up a vegetable on life support, and I also want to be cremated.

    Why would you have a DNR? if you fell into a pool and drowned, wouldnt you want to be brought back?

  15. hows it going
    I did a tandem about a month ago, and just dedicated to take my first AFF sat. The tandem was a blast, so i bought a couple books on skydiving and now i have to get my license. I'm going to be jumping at skydive monterey, if anybody is going to be there and sees a shaved head dude, say wazup. I would also like to thank you guys for making this website such a good resource for info, it has helped me allot. Wish me luck!