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Posts posted by axe96bam

  1. Kelly, I did my 14k hop-n-pop to see how my new canopies behave. I do turns with toggles, risers (front and rear) work with the breaks set first and than with them released. I am look at the amount of altitude each maneuver eats up. It is really important if you are going to try any of them close to the ground at any point. Once you learn your canopy's behavior, you can just do regular hop-n-pops and work on your landings. Or do regular skydives, get you FF time and than enjoy your canopy.

  2. Well, I agree with Chuck that it is the director that matters not how much he or she charges, but I would not have paid more than $50 plus jumps for the rating. I think that anyone who is charging more is ripping you off. I only paid $50 for my BIC and thought that was right. There is a guy trying to charge $300 for the coach course. That is insane. An AFFCC cost me $475!
    Just my 0.02.

  3. That's funny Seb, but if you think about it you will also be trying to ruin your chances of being on the record. Well, it is not like you could ruin it anyhow. We will put you in the base with some strong big boys and they will make you behave! he-he-he

  4. hey, a fast falling base is really a good thing especially if we get to over 20 people. It makes it easier for the divers. So, please don't loose any weight. You will be of great help to the whole record attempt. Just look at the bases at SDC. They fall as fast as freefliers do!

  5. well, I am used to a King Air, so it will not be that big of a deal for me. But it would be nice to get 27 plus a video person all in the same plane and set a record. By the way, has anyone counted how many people we can get to do this? I am also not sure what is the current record.

  6. I know that we do not got to 15+ because you need to have oxygen on board over 15000 MSL. So basically if your DZ is not at see level you will need oxygen on board ever lover. I think that 12.5 to 13.5 AGL is common because at most DZ you are still under that critical 15K MSL. But if you go to Colorado or some other high elevated DZ you will see either oxygen on board or lower jump altitudes.

  7. I like Mexican food (though that is probably not what our pilot wants to hear) and as far as beer - well, I went to college so I am used to drinking whatever is on sale with very few restrictions.

  8. Chuck is right about this thread. it was just to inform people what is you canopy experience and also to show you whom you should listen to for advice. I would hate to see anew jumper take instructions on advanced canopy flight from someone who never flew a high performance canopy. That just would not be fare.

  9. SkyKnights is a great place to jump. It is a club so it is very relaxed and there is a lot of beer after dark. I am a regular there so chances are you will run into me on any give weekend up there.

  10. there are quite a few people posting here and I just wanted to know what do people jump for a main and at what wing loading. I guess I am just trying to get a feel for who speaks from experience and who posts opinions he or she had heard or learned from others.
    I for example jump a VX79 loaded from 1.95 to 2.2 depending on how much weights I wear.
    How about you? What is your main and how much do you load it?