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Posts posted by axe96bam

  1. I guess you are right, it will cost a bundle, but $400! I payed $475 plus slots for my AFFCC. I just would never pay $400 for a coach course. Raeford is where Chuck teaches it, right?

  2. I love all chocolate. at least I have not seen chocolate I do not like. I do admit that Ferero Rocher and Toblerone are great, but so are most Swiss and Hungarian chocolates.

  3. The coach course should be about $50 plus jumps ( 2 jumps so 4 slots). At least I would not pay any more than that if I had to go through it! You can do it a whole lot cheaper than $400 around Chicago.

  4. Hey Spy,
    good choice on not jumping the XAOS. Who ever offered it to you is not doing anything good. if I were you I would never again listen to ,take advice or accept anything from that person. Take you time with the canopy you jump now. You can always go smaller later, the hard part is getting back up in the air after you hurt yourself because you went too small too soon.
    So again, good job on you decision.

  5. You guys are having fun with the subject, but there are people out there figuring a way to actually land tiny canopies and even birdman suits. I would not be surprised at all when that happens.

  6. I think this 28 size is something they came up with from their finding and knowledge on wing loading and aerodynamics.
    on a different note - I would load a 46 at 3.3 and a 35 at 4.3. So it would not me much different for me jumping the 46 than it is for Derek jumping the 60!

  7. I think that Luigi has loaded the VX46 as heavy as 4.8 with weights, but don't quote me on that. I think I read this in an article somewhere.

  8. There are a few DZs around Chicago that go all week long. They are all within 30 min of each other and abut an hour or so from downtown (depending on traffic of course). You will be jumping turbines all week long too.

  9. Personally, I like the digitude because you know your exact altitude. It requires you to look at your altitude and not just look at your altimeter. if you ask many students they will tell you that they looked at their altimeter a few times during freefall, but will not tell you who high they were because they did not look for that. I think a student will perform well on whatever you teach him or her. Just be consistent. After that it will be a matter of choice to use a digital or analog altimeter.