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Posts posted by johnnyboy

  1. Hell yeah!!!
    They are in my home country this year, and my brother is out there right now watching them live.

    I expect to seem some skydiving in the opening ceremonies or I will be disappointed :)BLUE SKIES!!!!!
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  2. A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many
    others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and was
    for distribution of all wealth. She felt deeply ashamed that her father was
    a rather staunch Republican -- which she expressed quite openly. One day she
    was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes
    on the rich and more welfare programs. In the middle of her heart-felt
    diatribe based upon the lectures from her professors at school, he stopped
    her and asked her point blank, "How are you doing in school?"

    She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let
    him know that it was tough to maintain. That she had to study all the time,
    never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't
    even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends
    because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more
    difficult curriculum. Her father listened and then asked, "How is your
    friend Mary doing?" She replied, "Mary is barely getting by." She
    continued, "All she has is barely a 2.0 GPA," adding, "and all she takes are
    easy classes and she never studies." To explain further she continued
    emotionally, "But Mary is so very popular on campus. College for her is a
    blast . . .she goes to parties all the time and very often doesn't even show
    up for classes because she is too hung over."

    The father then asked, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to
    deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to your friend who only has a two
    point." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly
    that would be a fair and equal distribution of the GPA."

    The daughter, visibly shocked by the father's suggestion, angrily fired
    back, "That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without
    and Mary has done little or nothing; she played while I worked really hard!"

    The father slowly smiled and said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  3. Here is a reply to myself :)Since I am asking all these questions about everyone, l guess I should start answering them myself before you ask.
    I am 24, and I went to UCSB for undergrad for a BA in Bus Econ. I will be attending Loyola here in LA.
    I jump at Taft, (and sometimes at Perris, however, I wont go back until I get my A-license, unless I go to the wind tunnel). I have 15 jumps, 9 of them in the past 7 weeks.
    I am obviously going for the first year, otherwise I am sure you wouldnt hear me bitch as much :P I think that is it..........

    Now, i have to ask you all something else: What do I do about the waitlist? I got off the waitlist at Hastings last week, after I had moved into my apartment here in LA. I thought it would have been to hard to pack up and move to SF that day.
    I am on the waitlist for UCLA, and I have sent several letters telling them I wish to accept enrollment until the last second possible. Now, I am really set to go to Loyola. I know the routes to get there from my apt, I know my professors, dean, and fellow students. I have my first assignments, and I know where my classrooms are. Yesterday, I went to UCLA, and spoke to the admissions, and they said off the record, my file looks great, and the fact that I am a California resident, I have a very good chance of getting in. However, that wont be until the first day of school. They said that when someone doesnt show up for orientation or the first day, I will get called to fill in that spot. They said I am next in line.
    Now the dilemma, is it worth going there and having such a mind fuck after being set to go somewhere else? The tuition drop would be great, and so would the fact that I would go to a better ranking school, but is it worth sacrificing my first year grades? I will be behind when I start. Also, my experiences at a state bureaucracy werent the best (UCSB). When I needed something, I got the runaround; go here, go there, talk to them, etc. I am fearful I will get the same from a state law school. They have no reputation to uphold and no job to protect since they are funded by the state. At Loyola, for instance, they really want to have good alumni and they will work to make sure their school looks good in the longrun.
    What you would do if you found out the first day of school you got accepted into a much higher ranking school? Would you go?
    Please give me feedback, and lets support eachother during these times of learning law :)I am going to read and brief Pierson vs Post. "Pursuit alone does not give you ownership"
    Oh, want a cool quote? Well too bad, I will give it to you anyway:)"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, although checkered by failure, than to take rank with those who neither suffer much, nor enjoy much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat" Theodore Roosevelt.
    BLUE SKIES!!!!!! :)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  4. Nightingale,

    We very much need to start a support group here. I look to fellow jumpers for support on the DZ, and we should do the same for law.
    One time, we should organize a law RW jump :)Where are you going, where did you go for undergrad, where do you jump, etc, etc? :)
    As far as the homework goes, it does suck doesnt it? We have sooooooo much, and classes havent even started yet.
    We are going to have fun times :S
    I hope at least :)Please be in touch
    Thanks for the posts........
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  5. Freefly Chile,

    I think for all law students, we will be on the 23rd. From what I know, that is the first day of instruction for all ABA accredited schools.
    Where will you be attending? Where do you jump? Where did you go for undergrad? Details, details :)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  6. Mr lawrocket,
    You are person I was waiting for to reply.
    I need some support from other fellow law students/skydivers.
    I plan on school first, then skydiving second. I plan on jumping every other week to keep myself sane. To me skydiving gives me confidence, and after the jumps, I presume I will be ready to get back to the books and the teachers' torture with the socratic method.
    I think I am ready for the first year, but I am one who never feels ready even though I have done more than the average Joe to prepare. This summer, I took Law Preview and Barbri First year review, and additionally read Planet Law School, Learning Legal Reasoning, Logic for Lawyers, and now I am reading the examples and explanations series.
    I am still frightened of the first year, but in a way, I cant wait for it to start.
    Now, let me ask you some questions: Where do you attend? what year? where do you jump? where did you go for undergrad? what major? And all the other cool questions I cant think of now but you anticipate me asking :)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  7. Quote



    Probably, and if you keep on SHOUTING we're gonna sue.... ;)

    Thanks sangiro,
    I have to learn proper posting etiquette :)Lets go sue somebody else so we can pay for some jumps :)
    Thanks again :)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  8. I am a law student who also likes to jump (I am really new to this sport).
    I was wondering if anyone here attends law school and can chat with me to help ease the horrors of school and tell me how I can use skydiving to benefit law school (I am sure there is a way).
    Keep me posted :P
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  9. Thank you all VERY much for your inputs. I got much more info than I expected. Unfortunately for me, I ordered a frappe (frap) hat before I posted the original message and it came in today. From what everyone here has said, it sounds like I shouldnt be wearing it. The reason I bought it instead of a hard helmet was because of the price. I couldnt afford a new hard helmet so i got this used frap instead.
    But, since I took ALL your advice into consideration, just a few minutes ago, I talked to Ralph, and he found me a used pro-tec for $25, cant go wrong with that.
    Additionally, you have all also provided me with more thought on a new question I didnt even know to ask: Is it even legal for me to wear a leather soft hat? I dont even have an A license yet. I just got the SIM, but with my law school homework, I dont have time to look at it until December (the same time I plan on finishing my requirements for my A license). So if anyone can answer that question for me, that would be great.
    Now, I also havent really heard anyone here say anything good about the frap hat. I did hear that Mr Weber wears one, but he also has 10,000 jumps under his belt. My former jumpmaster wore one, but he had somewhere between 10,000-15,000 jumps as well. I know they both know how to land and avoid injury, but I dont think I am ready for that.
    So, should I keep the hat until I get good enough? Will I ever be able to wear it? Is it legal to wear it? And more importantly, has it ever really worked in saving someone from head injuries? and if so, what accidents led to those prevented injuries?
    I really, and I mean really appreciate everyone's input. I dont get out very much and I love this site. Unfortunately, I dont always have internet access, so please dont be offended if I cannot respond to you as quickly as I would like.
    Thank you all very very very very much, and one more important question: DOES ANYONE HERE JUMP AT TAFT?!?!?!!?! :)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  10. Hello everyone,

    I have a quick question for you. Recently, I began purchasing some used gear, and I came across a frappe hat from Ralph. With only 15 jumps under my belt, I just wanted to know if it is safe for me to wear instead of a hard helmet.

    If possible, I would like some feedback on the advantages and disadvantages of both, and more importantly, if I made the right decision to purchase it, which I did :)
    Thank you all SOOOOOOO much!!!!!

    BLUE SKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  11. No :( I wont be coming out on the weekend. I just moved into my new apartment today and I have to settle in. I am coming on Tuesday if you can make it for a jump or two.

    What about in two weekends? If you go out then, I will come out for the entire weekend. ;) Also, Andy can make me that video and you can practice with the camera on me :)
    Talk to you soon..........
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos


    They have some tandems early that morning so the pilot will be there. I told them I will come out to do a couple jumps. Any want to join me? I do suck, but we can have fun :)
    Let me know!!!!!
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  13. I wont be in Florida for a while :(
    But I heard and read a lot about your home DZ!! I would love to check that out sometime.....but after some experience :)I definitely plan on learning to freefly. For now, however, I need to learn more bellyflying techniques.
    Let me know if you do make it to CA, and be sure to come out to Taft! Wouldnt you be coming out this way for the nationals anyway?? Let me know.....:)
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  14. Lori!!!

    Thanks for teaching me and for keeping me calm. We have to get back in the air so I can get some more experience, and you have to practice with the camera on. :)My dad had a GREAT time with you and Andy. I have gone back twice since then, and the first thing my dad asked was if you guys were there. He said you showed him great hospitality, and you DEFINITELY made me feel at home. It was a great weekend, and I cant wait until the next time we can party like that at night, and jump all day!!!
    School for me starts 3 weeks from today. On August 6-8, I am thinking of coming out for the full weekend. Maybe you and Andy can be there?!? :)After that, I will be able to come out once every 3 or 4 weeks to do at least 1 jump ( I will definitely need the stress-relief ;)) Then in December, when the King-Air comes back, I plan on spending at least 2 weeks jumping there, knocking out my A license, and hopefully most of my B.
    Also, thanks to you, I talked to Ralph! I cant quite afford a new jumpsuit yet, so I gave him the measurements Andy took for me, and he is going to find me a used jumpsuit and helmet. Corky gave me a great deal on an Alti-3 , and thanks to you and Andy, I have goggles :)Also, the pictures came in!! You definitely captured the after party, but you arent in the pics!!!! Anyways, I got some doubles I will bring out when you guys are there. Keep me posted on when you will be there, and as soon as I get my license, I will come out to some new DZ's with you.
    My number is 818-259-1137. Call me so we can go to dinner.
    Other than that, thanks so much for the reply, and tell Andy I said hi. I cant wait to jump with you again!!! :$
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  15. Andrea,

    ;) Thanks for the reply. You are very friendly and sweet. Thank you :ph34r: Very typical of all the jumpers I have met.
    Where do you jump? Have you ever been to Taft? As soon as I get good enough to do some RW, we should jump :)Feel free to email or call me
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos

  16. :)
    I just finished AFF 2 weeks ago, and I logged my 13th jump yesterday!!!!

    I must say, I have gotten so much more from this sport than I ever expected. The amazing people at the dropzone (Taft) have treated me like family. I stayed there the weekend I graduated AFF and partied with everyone. We drank beer, whiskey, and to-kill-ya, and talked about jumping until 2 in the morning! Its amazing how passionate everyone is and how we can all get along so well because we have such a huge passion in common!

    My first tandem was September 13, 2003, when we went for my brother's birthday. I was sooo addicted, that I got a group of 5 more friends and returned to Perris to make another tandem jump on 12/27/03. Soon after, I contemplated joining AFF, more for the challenge and the sense of confidence. On 2/15/04 (the day after Valentines, no I did not have one), I made my first jump. For the continuing months, I was very scared and thought of quitting. But, in the last 6 weeks, I did 8 of my 13 jumps, and gained such a passion, I really believe there is NOTHING more fun than flying with my body and my brain as the pilot.

    I have SOOO much to learn and so many places to jump at. I still get very nervous on the plane rides up and I still eat shit every time I land, but I still have a blast.

    I just wanted to join because to me, you are already my family. Skydiving seems to be the largest and friendliest fraternity in the world, and I dont ever want to leave.

    One big problem, though, is my jumping is going to be very limited shortly when I start law school in a couple of weeks. So, I will have to rely on YOU great people to keep me motivated :-)

    If anyone here lives in Los Angeles, please drop me an email. I would love to meet up for dinner or drink (especially if you are a cute girl :-))

    Thank you all, and I hope to see you in the skies soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh, and before I go, let me leave you with the quote that has gotten me through life in the past year: "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, although checkered by failure, than to take rank with those who neither suffer much nor enjoy much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat" Theodore Roosevelt

    BLUE SKIES!!!!
    jumpers ARE better all around people than whuffos