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    Cypres 2

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  1. ASC has a leased Otter and has a CASA this weekend. Which I will be jumping from on Sunday Large aircraft will always be available to them. ASC cedartown flies a ton of loads. Someone will see dollar signs. I believe ASC is currently leasing out its Porter. Whoever is jumping that plane is supporting ASC/skyride.
  2. I don't see how dz owners boycotting ASC/skyride will do anything. Correct me if I am wrong but I think marks was refering to manufactures such as PD and Mirage. I really don't see any major boycott of these companies by any large group of skydivers. Marks can drink that koolaid and fall on his sword if he likes.
  3. What does this have to do with anything? Are you suggesting a boycott on any business that sells/does business with ASC/skyride or Chutingstar?
  4. Why are we concerned about his jump numbers/profile? I thought this was the ASC/skyride/Chutingstar/ASC funjumpers bashing thread. Get back on topic
  5. kingmann

    I Got Banned

    Squeaky wheel gets the greasin'. I don't think Ben or Cary even know there are forums on the ASC website. If they did I don't think they would allow some of the stuff that is posted there. Mike is a busy guy. Don't bother him with petty things.
  6. Yep you guys all know more because you have been reading this thread and jumping longer than I have. I knew that was on the way! The point I was making is that if an ASC jumper with lower jump numbers such as myself posts on this thread and gets flamed do you think he/she will be supportive of your cause in the future? I think you mean most everyone on this thread hates ASC. That is not exactly everyone. I was there (at ASC) Saturday. I wasn't the only jumper there. In fact I think we flew something like 18 otter loads Saturday. So I guess not everyone hates ASC... I don't have to convince myself that it is OK. I have never had a problem with ASC or the management. I have never even seen Cary Q. The only knowledge I have of any wrong doing are the accusations on this thread. I came here to educate myself on this subject and I can tell this is very emotional for a lot of you. I will continue to jump at ASC. If everyone here thinks I am a bad person for that then I will try not to stay up at night worring about what you think of me. I also shop at Walmart, buy Microsoft products and drive a truck that gets 14 miles per gallon
  7. Derek, Take a deep breath and calm down I don't know anything about the stolen photos because it is not something that we as jumpers are briefed on before jumping at ASC. I have only read about it here. If you were not so quick to flame ASC jumpers you might get more support for your cause from them. If ASC or Skyride is in the wrong then sue them. But if you are such a law abiding citizen you should turn everyone in for using stolen music or running stop signs I have a feeling no law suit will ever happen. It would take a large investment to start such a thing. Everyone likes to talk about it but no one will pony up the cash. But keep flaming me and other ASC jumpers and staff. The more you do the less you sqawking will affect us. No matter how valid your complaint. I am awake and I don't drink coffee. You should try decaf.
  8. I don't see anything wrong with defending a dropzone. I jump at ASC and I never heard of skyride until reading about it on this forum. I also do not know anything about the "stolen photos" on the web sites. How many of you accusers use stolen music on your videos? Kinda the same thing isn't it? I think the saying goes "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones..." I jump at ASC because it is the best drop zone in Georgia with the best staff and aircraft. There are 2 dropzones closer to my house but I drive to ASC because it is the best. In fact, I have seen some of the complainers on this thread jumping at ASC. Isn't that kinda like driving an SUV and complaining about gas prices...