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  1. What scenery? The fens? you need to get out more!
  2. Does anyone out there have any information/knowledge/experience/circuit diagrams on adapting this camera for a remote electronic switch? I opened the camera and found a circuit board with a small, flat (scsi type) ribbon with copper lines attached between the operation trigger and other buttons and the circuit board. Is there a company/person/service out there (UK) that adapts cameras?
  3. That's fine providing you live in a country that has (or skydive only in) fine, warm weather. Try this in UK during most of the year and you will probably be glad for an extra layer of protection from the elements! Also, I presume you are not flying naked? And so any clothing you wear will act as friction to the passing air - so a jumpsuit merely provides a consistent friction across your body surface. If learning a new discipline then surely consistency across as many variables as possible is a desirable as this allows the student to adopt the basic principles. Wearing different clothes will affect these variables and make it increasingly difficult to get to grips with the basics and that's when bad habits are created to compensate for the lack of basic knowledge. Bad habits are generally adopted due to non-existent or bad coaching and not because of the threads you wear (I am sure there are exceptions to this but I am generalising here). I will finish by saying that not wearing a suit is great and fun and far less restricting in movement but, learning the basics and progression must be learned from a stable platform and non-suit flying should be attempted only after the basics have been mastered.
  4. oh, I get it now. Good news - I checked camera and it has a facility to turn-off the standby mode and also it has a physical switch enabling MF to be permanently selected. I will carefully begin the process of investigating how to add the remote switch now. Also, can you suggest what F-Stop and Shutter speeds are recommended? or do you leave that part to the automatic settings of the camera? are benefits to be had for different settings for different types of jump? Many Thanks again - you have been a great help.
  5. Thanks for the info - I will check the camera 2nite. So in summary, you're saying if it has a standby function that cannot be overridden and that this resets the MF setting to AF - I need to look to get a different camera or the AF function will not cope with all the bright blue sky and focus on the subject as well? What if you could manually set the camera to over expose the shot and/or reduce the F-Stop (providing a fast enough shutter speed could be selected)? Thanks again.
  6. I need some help with a stills camera I would like to use. I have a Fuji Finepix F602 - it's a reasonably good camera but does not have a remote socket for a tongue or bite switch. I understand that it is possible to adapt a camera to enable this to be fitted. I was wondering if anyone could help me here if anyone has specific knowledge of doing this to a digital camera and especially if anyone has specific knowledge of the camera mentioned above. Sometimes the road less travelled is less travelled for a reason . . . !