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Posts posted by LivingLegend

  1. Heard one at a divorce party babbled by a drunken divorcee....

    "When yer single yer pockets jingle...When yer married yer fuckin' skint! - Hic - Cant live withem, cant live without em!"


    1.618 !

  2. Was out at the DZ Sat and a well respected instructor advised I try taking my rented student canopy to the point of stall and then just over. Watch it start to collapse behind me then release slowly to bring it back.
    He said it would be good practice for the day I needed it ifor real. So did it a couple of times at 3000 or so and all seemed well and good.It collapsed then re-inflated again.

    As a beginner I just wanted to know if this is something that I should be doing or what ?
    How dangerous is it ?


    1.618 !

  3. Quote

    I'll come along, to see some new faces!
    Got an early meeting the next morning though, but then I'm flying to Empuria in the afternoon, so life is not all bad:-)[/

    Hi Tim, Im going out to Empuria tonight as well, Tuesday. And having proposed this beer on a night I couldnt make myself - Duh! - gonna miss out.
    So See you in the bar over there then eh ?][]


    1.618 !

  4. caggz, you know how we love wimin who grasp the joystick and take control like that - good for you.

    Done deal then.C U there on the 20th.


    1.618 !

  5. Good idea.
    How about "Coq D'Argent", 1 Poultry for a starter, up on the roof garden - That way we can take a look at the base jumping oportunities.


    1.618 !

  6. bout time you volunteered to be the secretary of the London Jump Club Caggz.
    Gonna change your handle to MoneyPenny ?

    Put me on the list


    1.618 !

  7. Yep, right on.
    It takes a big person to do it and if anyone
    give you grief for it its their weakness not yours

    Good for you dude
    "A smile is a curve that often sets things straight"


    1.618 !