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  1. I jump 1.15 to 1. In a canopy class I was strongly urged to collapse my slider, pull it down, and loosen the chest strap. I had always collapsed it and just left it up there, thinking no reason to pull it down. The second I loosened the chest strap a few inches the canopy changed it's glide slope so much that it felt like I raised my brakes a few inches if not more. My heart missed a beat, I was not expecting something so drastic. Now I always do it (after I am 100% sure I have time, sometimes I am flying in traffic the whole way down and have to live with a flapping slider up there) because my canopy does fly and land better, just as my canopy instructor promised. And, that is at low wingloading. Out of curiosity, and apologies for the continued hijack, must the slider be collapsed to gain the improved performance you noted when the chest strap was loosened? Have you evaluated the effect of just loosening the chest strap?
  2. " A forward PLF should also be in your bag of tricks for those times you're carrying too much horizontal speed. " Lisa, are you suggesting a forward roll vs. a backward slide-in PLF to bleed off that forward speed?
  3. Some great posts on exits in this thread. I'm just beginning some 3 and 4-way exits out of a Porter, which has a low wing. Any safety factors to consider in this regard? Any suggestions to a newbie on where to get more information on exits in general? It seems like most people pretty much make it up as they go along, which leaves lots of room for a less successful outcome. Knowing the best positions for the less experienced jumper, the most efficient grips, etc. would make it a lot easier to pick up.