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Posts posted by Bennii

  1. 30% - bad luck (if that exists...?)
    75% - leading to offheading
    25% - leading to PS-hesitation

    I think it is really bad to put bad luck in to your calculation because it gives your brain room to relax thats not good enough you have to be perfect ;)(in your own sense)

    good luck on your journey..........


  2. I would go for hard deck (0-5 meters) unless you have spring board on your object;). Training this in gymnastium into sponge pit is more forgiven than water. Video could help you to analyse your jump.
    trampoline improves body awareness alot a which could safe your live at some point.
    I think that big cave in central America is one of the best places to start but i think its still closed:(

    i am not expert so question averting i say

    take care


  3. when you have the new suit both pants and jacket you are in semi wingsuit and like all wingsuitpilots know you colapse the wings when you open unless your advenced pilot and pull in full flight, if you do that i think you should know how to do the easier step first. Many pull in full track on terminal walls and that works quite well, but im not sure that all realize the big diffrens on suit and no suit.

    just my 2 cents


  4. I went also unstable on opening in Kjerag in PF and was lucky to come so good out of it. The biggest advantage track suit has over ws is no wing and because of that you can get your track suit neutral by going in box and bend your knees, don't fight it to long in tracking position if you get out of balance.
    Practice this in skydiving.

    take care


  5. Quote

    I don't understand why you need to make some advertising for your beautiful country. I've been at the Katthammaren 2 years ago and didn't meet anybody. Not one single jumper!! It was one of my best BASE trip. Me and my 3 friends were on our own. No one to tell us what to do or not to do.
    Why do you want your place to be crowded?
    More people= more risks of accidents.

    I'm really astonished by your post. I even thought
    your post was a joke in the beginning.

    If you are advertising you are most of time doing that for money but Hansolo was much more inviting and describing the part of Norway which is even more beautiful than Kjerag or other places in that area. Some have not money to see averting so it is very good to get advise from experienced people like Hansolo, Yuri, Tom or any other. I was little bid angry to read your post at first but i also forgot how you see it. ;)

  6. I have never met you but you have become one of my favorite person so i will put on " I won´t back down " with Jonny Cash and send you my best vibes.

    Take care


  7. Quote

    Just out of curiosity, how hard would it be to practice aerials from the pendulator?


    I did front and backflip in pendulator Ronny made for party in Stavanger 2 years ago, you have to keep your hands close to your body so you will not get nasty burn on your hands like i did;)


  8. Quote

    Just to all those people that think safety nate is kidding, he is not. He is a sick person. Safety Nate has a long history of animal cruelty and has been before court due to the matter on several occasions. Don't ever let him around your animals (especially chickens). He once constructed a harness to put on his cat equipped with a 48 on it just to throw the cat off of the third story. Just to see "if it would work" and also with blatent disregard for the animals safety. Another time at the DZ, there was an abandoned group of kittens that he repeatedly ran over with the four wheeler, again, just for fun.

    I didn't think he was kidding, I was dead serious>:(

  9. Quote

    This is very similar to a chicken assist. Instead of a pilot chute, I use a live chicken for sub 200 FF. When you through them into the air, they will fly for a short time. Hitch the bridle around each leg and this works just as well as a PCA. Realing in the chicken after landing is almost as much fun as the jump! Just make sure you dont use a lazy chicken.
    The chickens usualy last 3 to 4 jumps (more if you feed them).

    I will do the same to you when i meet you and enjoy it even more than you did ;)


  10. Quote

    Ok... So who's going when??

    I'm hoping to catch some better weather than last year at the heliboogie so I'm thinking the end of July and/or early August. No heli, but hopefully no rain...

    You could as well go in june, up here in viking lands you never know when its going to be good:D

  11. Quote

    It's possible your hitting a cultural gap between the US and Europe.

    American culture is a lot more uptight about sexuality.


    Here you can se tow BASE jumpers from Europe and US joining forces in stripping

    Edit: Attachment Not Safe for Work ~TA

  12. I have been looking for thread i saw some time ago about am and fm antennas. if the thread is gone can any help me to understand what i have to consider before i jump one.


  13. Quote

    Thanks BADENHOP for your post… It’s awesome!!!

    So to make a long story short… I’m tired of being told to be safe or careful… No shit, isn’t that obvious?!?!?!

    usually when someone says good luck or stay safe before we jump its meant in a good way so instead of jumping pistoff you should take those good vibes with you down on your jump.

    shit i burned myself on the cofe:P