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Everything posted by gredway

  1. Thought I'd come in here and make a formal introduction, since I already posted in the General Skydiving Discussions forum. Currently have 5 static line jumps under my belt, but its been a long time getting there. I've been to the dropzone 8 or 9 times in 3 months and seen tandems go up and come back down again, but its been too windy, too cloudy, or both, for my student ass. I guess that's the problem with jumping in the UK, but its a hinderance to progress if you make 2 jumps, then don't (despite best intentions) do anything for 5 weeks, make 1 jump, wait 3 weeks, and then do two more. So frustrating! Anyway, I'll get there eventually and the number of people I've met at the dropzone and the drinks I've had with the instructors afterward almost make up for it. Oh, I learnt a valuable lesson the other day (probably one that should be stunningly obvious to most!): don't jump hungover. I landed two fields away with me on one side of a hedge and the chute on the other. I've not got the nickname Skippy (as in the kangaroo) due to spending time in the bush. Won't be doing that again... Anyway, hello.
  2. The dropzone I was at the other week had a sponsered tandem jump (amongst others) - the passenger was an 83 year old guy who'd never done anything like this before. He was sponsered by Guide Dogs for the Blind because he was totally blind himself. Amazing guy. Apparently he goes swimming twice a week, jogging (not sure how you do that blind!), as well as walking his dogs for miles each day. Another member of that sponsered group was an elderly, but fit, lady who, again, was blind. I'm not sure of her age but her grandkids were over 15, so she must've been pretty old herself. Another amazing person. Not quite sure how these people do it. Oh, hello BTW. This is my first post.