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Posts posted by Bobster

  1. I snapped my left Fibula at the beginning of November. I waited one week for the surgery, a plate and six screws. I had one month in a cast, one month in a moon boot, one month of physical therapy and I was back in the sky.
    Boboso Rodriguez

  2. Quote

    [reply.I'll be missing all the girlie activities because I'll have to keep my blindfold on the entire time...just in case...

    Andy if you see anybody naked you'll probably have a coronary like Blue from Old School. [Will Farrel] YOUR MY BOY BLUE!!![/Will Farrel]
    Boboso Rodriguez

  3. Here's to honor,
    Here's to getting honor and keeping honor
    And if get honor, stay honor
    And if you can't come in her, come honor.:P
    Boboso Rodriguez

  4. Damn Bro, after loosing my Mother in June, I do know what you're going through. Try to take off as much time from work as you can so you can sort it out now instead of hiding it away. Dwell on the good times and be thankful you got to know him and that he was in your life. If you need to talk call me.
    Boboso Rodriguez

  5. Amazing!! She even rolled over in the middle of the night onto "my side of the bed" as she called it, and gave some spooning action. Then she realized I wasn't Pyke and rolled back over onto "her side of the bed".:( But thanks for the Dutch Oven.>:(
    Boboso Rodriguez

  6. Quote

    Oh no, no, no...the real suprises begin at 30 and keep going from there.


    What like a colonoscopy?B|
    Boboso Rodriguez

  7. [Bill Lumbergh] (Leaning on cubicle, and holding cup of coffee) Yaa, I'm gonna need you to come into work on Saturday aaaaand Sunday. [/Bill Lumbergh]
    Boboso Rodriguez

  8. Send some anonymous roses to her with the initial of your first name. Then no one at her work will know it's from you and she will only have a suspision. It will drive her crazy for about a week and she will get all kinds of respect at work from her female co-workers for having a secret admirer. She will probably end up calling you. If she doens't like you now then she will when she finds out and at least go out with you for dinner.
    Boboso Rodriguez

  9. I've been to fourteen different countries, and I've never been offered as many drugs on the street as I was in Cabo. I got offered cocaine six times in one hour from strangers on the main drag in Cabo. Squid Roe and the Giggling Marlin are good hot spots. They are right there on the main strip, you can't miss them.
    Boboso Rodriguez