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Posts posted by Tonto

  1. Agreed. I recently made the change to crossbraced, and the Velo was just too much for me to handle on anything other than a canopy piloting dive. Since most of my dives are AFF or wingsuit, I'd never do enough CP dives to be current on a velo. I settled for an FX 93 loaded a little over 2, (5000ft AMSL) and although it's very early days, I'm really enjoying it.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  2. Hope you're less angry.:)
    Came across this yesterday.

    “Holding on to anger is like gasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

    It's the year of the Pig.

  3. A few lessons I learned the hard way on this site is don't post when you're angry, don't say things about people you love that you may regret, and don't write what you don't know.

    There is nothing wrong with having confidence in your relationship. Having said that, if people have the time to post pictures of their own shit on here, if your relationship ends, someone is bound to fire up this thread and quote what you said about it not being something you need to worry about.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  4. Quote

    The definition they intend to use for a samurai sword is: "a curved, single edged sword".

    They really should add "double handed" to that. The Chinese Broadsword fits their existing definition. There are many people in the Chinese community who own these and while they are all martial artists, they practice their art in an informal manner, and not in registered schools, choosing to rather learn from traditional teachers.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  5. Quote

    Im thinking of giving up skydiving.
    I havnt made a jump in 6 months.

    No one who has stopped smoking for 6 months says "I'm thinking of giving up smoking."

    You've already given up skydiving. Now you either need to start again, or admit to yourself that you've already given it up.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  6. Quote

    Don't they have TV in Australia?:)


    yeah we do, but most of it is repeat USA dribble.

    That's her!

    I'm with you on the advertising. Many whuffos think it's a positive thing that everything can go wrong and you still live.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Quote

    I guess I will just have to find that hot little skydiving girlie if I ever want a girlfriend again...


    Are you very competitive?
    Are you a really good skydiver in a "cool" disipline?
    Could you handle dating a famous person?
    Can you still be all of the above - and be yourself?

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Quote

    by acting all femo-sensitive, it helps to meet chicks

    I've spent over half a decade out of the dating game and in love with the same woman, so that's not my motivation.

    Actually. when you look at the US stats on childbirth, the number of single parent families, the number of men that don't pay maintenance for their kids etc, it seems a little odd to name a child after the father.

    In 1998, an estimated 42 percent of all custodial parents had never married, 38 percent had divorced, only 5 percent were widowed, and about 15 percent were separated.
    “Census Bureau Facts for Features,” U.S. Census Bureau,, April 29, 1999.

    Edit to add

    An estimated 25 million (40 percent) children are growing up without fathers in the home.
    “American Agenda,” World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, December 13, 1994.

    About 13 million (50 percent) children without fathers in the home have never even been in their fathers’ homes.
    “American Agenda,” World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, December 13, 1994.

    Since the conversation switched from AMerican MArrieds to children, I thought these were valuable stats as to whether kids should have their fathers names.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Ah. So now it's about kids? I thought it was about being married.

    Well, that would be the children's call, wouldn't it?

    I'm sure as intelligent, responsible adults they'd be able to think of something. While they grow up, I think it's prudent they keep the name of the woman who carried them to term, rather than the name of the man who came up with half the plan.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Quote

    or Budda , or any other God for that matter.

    Sigh.. Buddha was not a god.

    At no point in the teachings of Buddha does he say he is, or even may be a god. People look up to him because he was really good at what he was good at, and some people admire that, and will work hard to try to be like that. A bit like the PD team article on the front page of this website actually - without the "Don't try this at home."

    Buddha was a mortal who tried to teach people that if they were nice to each other, they would feel better more of the time, but basically there is no escaping the fact that life is pain. He did this 600 years before Jesus taught people that if they were nice to each other they would feel better more of the time, but added "or else" and "I am the way."

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • The article you posted is about those who use hyphenated names.

    I said if I get married that my wife would keep her name. There would be no hyphenating.

    I have my name, and she has hers. That's worked great for our whole lives. I think it can continue to work.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • It must really, really suck to spend 30 years or so building an identity, perhaps have been published, and then to have to go and change your name.

    If I ever get married I'd be 100% comfortable with my wife keeping her name. I fell in love with her when she had that name. It'll always be good enough for me.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Good research, good choices.:)
    I'm with you on the pilot.
    I think that going 9 cell will give you more benefit than staying with 7 cells.

    As for those who think you've made it complicated - it's no longer complicated because of the research you've done.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Quote

    You share your birthday with at least nine million other people around the world.

    That can't be right for most of us.

    There are 6 billion people on the planet. Divide that by 365 days and you get 164 million people sharing your birthday. Even if your birthday is 29 February, on a leap year, statistically you would share that with 41 million people. The disparity between 41 million and 9 million seems statistically unlikely. I don't know how many copulating couples think far enough ahead to avoid leap year births 9 months in advance.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • Hey Peej,

    Something else to consider is that you jump at a hot and very high DZ. That makes a huge difference. In answer to your question, my second move to crossbrace is this year. The 1st one, like Chuck, was in the late 80's.

    Blue Skies,

    It's the year of the Pig.

  • No, I think that working on lower body awareness for a few minutes a week, when completely adrenalised, isn't the best, fastest most fun or cheapest way to work on gaining lasting lower body awareness.

    It's the year of the Pig.