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Posts posted by rwieder

  1. Quote

    Brian lived his life large and did his best to teach by example. That is one of the many thoughts about Brian that I think comes to mind to those that knew him, on this day, 7 years later.

    Wow what a really nice guy. Your friend was a good friend, and a good man. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I too have a friend that lost his life doing what he loved, I still miss him, much the same as you miss Brian. I'm truly sorry for your loss. God Speed.

    Best Wishes-

  2. Quote

    The BOD meeting is in a few weeks and every USPA member deserves to hear about the details of this accident.
    Members should write or call BOD members and HQ to make sure this information is forthcoming by the next meeting.
    Bitching about it here won't do anything.

    Well said. Here!! Here!! Thanks Jan.


  3. Never mind landing on your can, concentrate on standing your landings...always. Have someone film your landings and study footage, but learn to stand it up each and every time. Forget about sliding in on you booty. I've jumped at DZ's where they don't let their TM's slide in like that. With a canopy that large, and all of that flare power there's no reason for it, unless it's a no-wind day. Sliding your landings in is a very bad habit to get into. Once you've trained your self to slide in your landings you've built up muscle memory that's gonna be hard to break once you do decide to stand up your landings. Also, please take a canopy course, ASAP.

  4. Quote

    If I hit a dog, there is NO way I would go back and check on the dog. If it was dead, there is nothing to be done, and if it's not, more than likely, it would take a chunk out of me the minute I touched it. :o

    Naw, me either. I sure don't, and wouldn't go around trying to run over other's pets. But from what I understand these were Pit Bulls. They should have been under "Crystal Pistol's" charge and not be allowed to run where ever as they were unleashed. Plus who ever ran over them prolly seen that gigantic hand cannon she carries every where she goes. I can't believe she called the Po-Po thinking they were going to go out of their way trying to find the truck, the alleged grey dodge she said did the running over of the animals. Don't get me wrong, I love animals, we've had dogs, cats, cows, horses etc...all of our lives and I hate her doggies got killed. But I maintain it was her fault, well her and her husband's fault.

  5. Quote

    When I saw the name "Krystal Pistol", I was thinking a porn star... :o:D

    She might be a porn star now. *This story was ran on KWHI's web site.* I reckon we all know she couldn't make her TV show go, but geez it was about HOG HUNTING. I'll admit to watching it a couple of times, but the wife and I thought it was sooooo LAME. All they did was fight amongst themselves. Only God knows why she's raising all this cain about her dogs getting run over and killed, calling the PO-PO and all, I mean they were (her dogs) running across the road when they got ran over. It's like I said I'm just surprised she didn't start shooting at the truck. She carries a nickel played Colt .44 cal in a holster all the time. She's a weird chick anyway and known to have a bad temper. I just don't know what brought her to our area. I thought she lived elsewhere. I'm not afraid of her, but I don't make any conscious attempts to be any where near where she is either. I'm glad I work out of town!!


    Washington County Sheriff’s deputies say there is little more they can do about a complaint from a Burleson County woman that someone ran over her hunting dogs Sunday.
    Krystal Dollery "Krystal Pistol" and her husband Shawn reported that they were on a Father’s Day fishing trip at Lake Somerville when their three dogs crossed FM 1948, and were run over by a silver Dodge pickup truck. Two of the dogs were killed. Krystal Dollery is known nationwide after her appearance on the A and E television series ‘American Hoggers.’ The search for the pickup continues.

    Is this news worthy, or is it just me trivializing it? What a joke. B| I just bet the people driving that truck will turn them selves in any minute now. I'm surprised "Krystal Pistol" didn't just let fly with her revolvers and kill the people driving it! Just thought some one other than myself would get a kick out of it besides me. ;) I think she's just wasting her time. :o

  7. Quote

    Does your concept apply to females as well? :)



    Free at last, free at last, Thank God in heaven, we are free at last! This is the first time I've heard of any female admit to doing such a thing! God bless ya'll! You too Nataly! :)

  8. Quote

    Few months back I saw a film with one of the US officers tasked with trying to get the locals to stop raping the young boys.

    "Key" word here is US Officer. I don't care who you are, or what you do, you cannot, and will not change their culture, end deal.

    I'm not sure it's all that different from SOME Catholic leaders for that matter.

    That's not cultural, even for the Catholics. That's b/c they refuse to let the priest marry. The new pope is trying to fix that to where they'll relax their rules to allow their priests to marry and have families. This is just one of the 92 points in Martin Luther's Manifesto that he nailed to the Vatican door to the sanctuary b/f he was exiled and lived the duration of his life under threat. I'm Lutheran, which is a spin-off of the Catholic faith, thus the "Lutheran" faith. And we're split into 2 different factions, which I don't care for, how ever: "It is what it is"

  9. Quote

    A LOT of people have been given full details, some sworn to secrecy. Some didn't respect that and spread it around.
    I think we all have a right to the details of incidents in our sport.
    When the top dog of safety fucks up and then the blanket of hush is put over it, it's wrong. We deserve the truth.
    Our sport IS about life and death. I don't find playing with that to be a right to know issue.

    Ya know Mark, I can't disagree w/ you here. How ever, it is what it is, and you know that as well as I do.

  10. Quote

    Why not open your heart to the idea that there might just be an entity such as Allah?

    I have, I've actually read the Coran. To a degree it actually makes some sense. By the way, do you know what the arabic word for "God" is? you'd be surprised, but I suspect you already know. He just happens to be the entity that the arabic culture believes wrote the Coran, and actually tells them how to live. Ya know, I've lived with these people, in their own home lands. Odd thing, they don't drink, smoke, swear, none of that. However they do get to have 4 wives! That's not so bad, is it? J/K! ;)

  11. Quote

    Spending $50,000 and asking the dealer for a free car wash before picking up your car up would be a more accurate analogy.

    I agree! Most dealers even offer free oil changes for the life of the vehicle. Like someone buys a new car or truck and keeps it very long these days.

    If they then turned round and said to you that you shouldn't expect their car wash guy to work for free, would you not be insulted?

    Personally I wouldn't be insulted (I'd take it home and wash it myself) But I guess other's would be. BUT, you have a choice who to do business with, and you even get to know what comes with the deal, and what doesn't b/f you make the deal...right?
    However, to answer your original question, No I wouldn't be upset, insulted, none of that. That's just part of the privilege of being a skydiver! ;)

  12. Quote

    i disagree good sir...women are the ultimate creation of beauty, life, curvature, ferocity, softness, monthly anger, power, dominatrix, splendor, all rolled into one form called female.

    WOW! I just ain't got the words. How insightful for such a young knave! ;)

  13. Quote

    Yeah but Ron, you were a drug addicted fuck-up before you met Jesus.

    If this isn't proof of the very existance and Love of Jesus Christ, I don't know what is.

    When you set your baseline so low then any normal life is going to seem pretty amazing. You have no idea what anyone else's baseline is or how amazing their lives are without Jesus.

    This is one of the most ludicrous statements I've ever heard. WOW! Why not open your heart to the idea that there might just be an entity such as the triune god? I've personally seen the results of people's lives changed in a way, (which at the time I didn't even understand) which was literally unbelievable. It wasn't untilI surrendered myself that I finally did understand the power that the spirit has. Here's the good thing, everybody is invited. I quite understand that this is a personal, and private "area" if you will, and I respect everyone's own beliefs. However part of Jesus's last words to his deciples was "Go, and be fisher's of men" I don't think that needs any translation.
    Responses are welcome, however, PA's will not be responded to. Respectfully...:)

  14. Quote

    You mean, "If I knew all that he implies he knows, but won't say outright..."

    No, what I said was "IF" I knew what he does, I'd be mum as well.
    The man voluntarily came here and advised ALL that he could without burning bridges. WHY the attack on DSE? I don't get it. You people need to chill out. IF I were DSE, I'd lock this thread down NOW. Man, I can't believe these mods do what they do for free. Are any of you in an industry where there are "Trade Secrets?" If so, then you should know if you divulge that type of information, you cannot (Well you could I reckon) divulge that type of info. If you did, you'd be banned from such industry for life. In my realm, I deal with seismic data, perspective future drill sites and drilling methods way before we intend to improvise these plans. So I guess that makes me an Industry Spy? OR am I just keeping to the "Industry Standards?" You decide. Please, no more personal attacks here, I'm asking nicely. :)

  15. Quote

    Ssssh. We're not supposed to know ANYTHING or discuss ANYTHING. It's NOT a cover-up - never mind all the secret talks and handshakes and NDA's. It's NOT a cover-up. Call everybody and talk to them. Then say nothing.

    Right now, it's on a "need to know" basis, and I reckon right now you just don't need to know. Respectfully. :o