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Posts posted by baronn

  1. Totally agree. I tried to organize this 5 yrs. ago. Got 0 support. Most instructors haven't the stones to stand up to DZO's and they know it. Most instructors will cut each other's throats for an extra jump. Would be nice to see some comradarie and support for other's. Doubt I will live long enough for that to happen. Hate to be so negative on this, I agree it's a pathetic situation but, it would take a larger picture mentality that I don't believe will ever exist. I personally will find a place that can accomodate my needs or I will simply quit being an instructor and go make some money for fun jumps.

  2. Been asked for more info, I'll give what I can. All jumps are gonna be from approx. 6k. Turns need to be quick to get this many in the air. Planning on a Boogie event with overnight camping and food. Packers will be available. Obviously B license for the night jumps. That's all we have at this stage, will post more as it becomes available. Thanks

  3. Geez everyone, he asked if anyone has done this yet. If you have, relate the experience. If not, don't bother. I will be getting one and will let you know the results. Gonna be a tuffy as the Vette is getting a lot of new upgrades. Only gonna last 6 months

  4. Wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this. Can't see why anyone would want to enter this market. Opening oneself to the liability in this country and trying to compete on such a low volume market doesn't make any sense. George is a real bright guy and you may have noticed, he isn't making any noise about this.

  5. Having a hard time believing this. Colorado has some of the toughest frivolous lawsuit laws in the country. The ski industry is too big out there. The back of your ticket is your waiver. Read one. It basically says you accept any and ALL risk when you buy this ticket and ski on our hills. They don't even make it to court. And how did he get his name and address? Makes ya wonder.....

  6. Yer in a tuff situation Mate. We can rig an SOS (single operating system) for the cutaway and reserve. However, how can you fly the main or reserve canopy? It is possible to do this 1 handed but, not easy. I don't have any experience here. I do know of 1 guy that base jumps with a hook. Seems to get by just fine. If you were closer to me, I'd be willing to work with ya. My method is 2 tandems then we start solo stuff. I'd probably toss ya in the tunnel and get the freefall handled so we can concentrate on the other stuff. I see this being very doable. Realize it is up to your abilities and no guarantees here. But, if you were willing to get this done, it is possible. Good Luck

  7. What happened to me? I was prepping the frame on my truck so I could put a rust encapsulator on it. I may have breathed some of the dust in. I finished the job and that night started feeling pretty bad. A thickly cough, can't decide to shit or puke, body aches and head numbing headache. I have never been so uncomfortable in my life. Starting to feel better now, a day later. Any ideas?

  8. Not here. I have been told (not nicely) Don't like it, move. Absolutely no consideration for anyone but themselves. I can't really do that when I'm working here without moving all the gear to a new location. Pretty amazing when ya think about it. Every other place I have ever been to, most people are very considerate and don't force this on anyone.

  9. I thought these were the kinda responses I would get. This guy actually wants to be a rigger. Wait till he has to start patching canopies because of his inconsideration. Hope he doesn't mind working for free. The management here is pretty laid back and doesn't like to stir things. Can't understand why he puts up with this myself. I won't tolerate it. The smokers consistently smoke in the hanger or directly upwind of me and our customers. On busy days. The place has great potential and in a fast growing area. Really too bad this is tolerated.

  10. So there is an individual that takes the landing shots ( for the potential to sell them) in the landing area. I have found 2 burning cigarette butts burning in this landing area while walking back. I told him this is a bad idea (really, he had to be told) and he said he wouldn't do it anymore. Yesterday, he had another experienced jumper (150 jumps) standing next to him smoking a cigarette. I asked the guy not to smoke in the landing area. The photographer starts in and telling me he knows what he's doing and blah, blah, blah. I let it go and mentioned it to the owner at the end of the day. This guy walks in in the middle of our conversation and proceeds to tell me how wrong I am and how breathing his smoke isn't going to hurt me. Though there are no smoking signs everywhere, most of the people here smoke and do it in front of me, customers and give no consideration to anyone else. I watched another instructor shoot a video with a cigarette in his mouth. Seems inapropriate to me but, let me know what ya think.