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Posts posted by ZZTopless

  1. It's ok...hard to make a thread about what a wuffo said. But I can't get over that. I keep picturing two airheads girls jumping out of the plane with a big tandem rig on. Can I jump with a friend...sure, but you're gonna die. How the hell do I respond to that email without sounding insulting? "Uh, no, it's aganist U.S.P.A. policy."

  2. First, let me apologize because I hate using the word wuffo, but it just fits so perfect for this question...

    "I am planning on coming to the informational meeting for the U Skydiving Club on Tuesday, but do you have to sky dive tandem? Can you do it tandem with a friend and no instructor?"

    Wow...I've been laughing ever since.

  3. No. This isn't an incident. I'll give you that much. However, I know it was a big incident for me when my tempo had a HUGE built in turn. Granted, it did save my life, but I would just like some answers as to why we've been seeing tempo's malfunction all over the states. I don't want to see a post here that says "fatality in ___, tempo reserve mal."

  4. I DID have a tempo 150 for my reserve. My first reserve ride had a STRONG left turn (so I needed to keep my right toggle down to my waist) and I landed in a freshly plowed field (thank god) and did a excellent PLF. I only had soft tissue damage/sore arm for a week. There has been 3 tempo reserve rides at my dz and all 3 tempo's have had strong left turns. (2 tempo 150's and 1 tempo 170). All 3 were inspected by riggers after the event and nothing abnormal was found. We're currently looking into how close the serial numbers are.

  5. Ok. Two weeks ago I had the same thing happen to me as well. However, I was unable to get my pinky finger out of the break line and ended up landing with it. Once I got on the ground and got the tension off of it I was able to get my pinky out of the brake line, but it scared the shit out of me at first. And my poor little pinky was purple.

    p.s. I have velcro toggles too.