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  1. I agree with some of the other people her by telling you to shut up....seeing pictures of dead Americans and people cheering incites a burning hatred in me for the people cheering that no form of reason can overcome. Even though my rational mind knows war is wrong and there is no good reason for all the deaths, those pictures make me want to rally around any government leader who is willing to lay waste to the people who laugh and cheer at my countrymens death. I've seen the point of greed brought up a few times here. And this is just a rambeling suggestion. How much does this war cost, and all of our military occupation in the middle east? Iraq, Asscrackistan, military aid and forign internal defense aid to all those countries. 50 billion a year, 100 billion a year, minimum? Why not spend that money on developing an alternate source of fuel? If we took away all their income by developing an alternate sorce of power to oil it would completely make that area of the world reflect ecconomically what it is visually, a barron wasteland filled with toothless ugly women. I mean come on, there isn't actually a world wide demand for Persian rugs and hooka pipes. Those jokers would be even more broke than they are, and Osama with his multimillion dollar inheritence, how did he get that, his father is a big contractor, but who would he build for if the governments had noting viable to sell. It would be like central Africa, and we don't seem to care much when those bastards kill them selves by the millions. "Oh no, all the Sunnis killed all the Shiites, damn, could you super size that for me?" We wouldn't give a fuck. We'd see if there was anything in the Koran about irrigation farming, because there certainly wouldn't be enough money for them to buy weapons and export terrorists when they couldn't feed their children. I mean blowing them up costs the civilized nations of the world big bucks, but letting them starve in their own sqular. The sweet price of free. The only real people who would suffer would be the Jews in Israel. Because, of their prosperity they'd be hated and attacked. And hell those Jews are good people, we could give them Alabama, I mean why not have Alabama as the new holy land. "Here you go Palestine here is your preatious holy land, we don't need your oil anymore, and by the way, I don't know if we told you this but it's just a big desert too, guess what you got your way and you got your holy land back but your life still sucks and you still have to shit on the floor, we are taking our toilets and blowing up the water treatment plant" We should pull out all of our land troops, continue indiscriminantly bombing middle eastern cities each time they attack us as a deterrent to terrorism, and take the savings and develope an alternant source of universal power. We could offer the American auto industry (the people greasing the legislative palms not to change the fuel situation) the economic trade rights to all the Persian Rugs and hooka pipes, maybe half the Opium, that should tide them over. And move on. Just another view point posted in anonymity. one hippy dirtbag to another.
  2. Pay Attention, or Pay more MONEY, your choice If you finance through mirage you will only get a nominal discount. Like 10 or 12% and you will pay through the nose with interest if you go one day over your time. I know for a fact that if they (the company they use for finance) will give you the credit you need for a complete system, than there is a credit card company out there that would extend you the same credit guaran-fuckin-teed, that is the way banks work. You would be better off buying it with a card you get expressly for this one purchase and going through the gear store of your choice, a big one with a good reputation, like square one or sunshine factory or gravity gear and getting the best discount like 15-25% meaning that you save 10-15%(depending on the product) and on 4 grand that is 4-500 dollars. Just do your research....it is very easy to get screwed by "great finance deals" it is the way American business culture keeps broke people broke and the rich folks rich, I'd ask the guy who got the "good discount" from mirage exactly what his discount was. and then see what you can get from a distributor. Then do the math yourself and see how much he spent for the right to pay high finance fees down the road. (most likely he lost at least 10% of the total price if he got a $4000 system for 10% off instead of 20% off as you could from a gear dealer that is $400 off the bat tacked on in the original purchase price) The statistics say that if you don't have the money to buy it now, you probably don't have the money to pay it off in the time afforded in the no interest terms of a no interest loan, that is exactly why they offer those loans. Sweet carrots you will never actually taste. That way you can also get the system of your choice (wings and a blade, javelin and a PD, Vector and an Icarus) or you can just buy something used from the dealer and are not stuck with the most expensive rig on the market. The Lone Ranger-
  3. It sounds like you are getting pounded on by the masses here, so I don't want to spend time reiterating the points already presented, so I'll share my feelings on a different subject. I hate when someone takes advantage of a skydiver with relatively low number of jumps, by giving you a "Great Deal" on a piece of equipment. I'm assuming you are talking about a Sabre 1, which mind you was a great canopy when it was originally designed back in 1989 14 years ago. Now I'm not choosing one brand over another, even if you were trading in a Sapphire2 for Sabre you'd be taking a giant leap back. The Pilot/Sabre2/Sapphire2 all incorporate 10-14 years of advanced technology over the canopy you just got a "Great Deal" on. Dude, I can get you a Wicked deal on a T-10 Charlie, I think I could possibly let it go for say....$300! Sorry for bustin your stones, but you shoud go punch the guy who sold you that Sabre in the throat.
  4. Weaseling, boy, it's the only thing that seperates us from the animals, except the weasel. -Homer Simpson Imagine if car salesmen had to build the car after they sold it to you? It would be a legitimate defense for murder, wouldn't it? Not to play the devils advocate, but come on. What other business sells you a product, that is produced custom, and depends on the availability of parts and pieces for instance forged metal like in the rig (they only produce these parts a couple of times a year, call Washard or Djans and try to buy some if you don't believe me), and still very mindfully deals with customers that call every day, a grown up version of "Are we ther yet, are we there yet, are we there yet" maybe if everyone stopped calling all the time they could get the receptionist in the back there sewing and the stuff would get built faster! Don't forget about the sescatchuan seal skin bindings Or in a canopy, call PD and ask how much fabric they reject from their two main suppliers. What if they just don't have that fushia you want, I personally want them to reject the bad stuff even if that means that I get my stuff a week or three late. It's all so difficult, lets look at it this way: you are the leading manufacturer and your delivering at 20 weeks, and that is because your product is sooooooo good that everyone wants it, but you are loosing sales to dolphin (sorry to bag on the dolphin, I did own one you know, it is kind of like riding a moped I guess) because they are delivering at 4 weeks, you may feel that it is your civic duty to do anything you can to keep those people off those mopeds, remember those wacky things don't even have seatbelts! Is the lady that sold you that rig that takes too long all that bad? She is just trying to protect you! I guess if I ever can afford a new rig I'll order it when the first snow hits the ground and pray that it buds with the flowers in spring.