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Posts posted by crzjp20

  1. all i got to say is i went through huricane andrew and i know what kind of mess it can bring and if i was in the path of that storm i would be getting as far away from it as possible.
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  2. gee this thread went down hill.

    martial arts is not about fighting it is about confidence, it is about control, its about tradition, its about RESPECT!

    yes sparing is fun and what not but when it comes down to it sparing is controlled it is fake basically so to be honest it is not realy . I have kicked guys asses in TKD and then turn around and have mine kicked. Its not the style its the person!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  3. i have to say akido and shotokan.

    shoto is a style that does not emphasize kicks but blocks and what not. it is more in the hands and arms then in the legs.

    Akido is alot og breaks and grappling and is taught to alot og cops, and marines.

    bottom line is though, martial arts has taught me to defend myself yeah, but it has taught me to avoid the situation and just walk away more than anything else. There has onl;y been one isntance where i had to use my training( a guy broke into my dorm room to come after my roommate which was not there) and the akido really took over. the guy ended up in jail with a couple broken ribs.

    so ether way they all have their ups and downs but it is a matter of finding what you are good at. I am a small guy who has short legs so stuff with my hands is great thats why i diid good in both akido and shotokan...

    anyways.... i got to go to work.
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  4. Quote

    had my first line twists



    listen to your instructors, you can always ask them to demonstrate for you.
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  5. :(:2:0

    just two this weekend. A good 3 way and then a hop and pop under the clouds that were about to swamp us... and they did.... rained and then clouds
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  6. mmm i love this line


    I just don't think of you in that way" and,
    "Your the nicest guy I know, any girl would be lucky to have you" I realized I was doing something wrong.

    the story of my life!!

    lol sorry i was raised to be a good kid!

    oh well i can not afford a woman right now anyways! B|
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  7. someone please get in the freaking pub!!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  8. sweet well i will have to see if i can work some magic at work!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  9. howwould this boogie be for some one with only 50 or so jumps?? i want to go and i know some guys from my dz are so im just curious to see what other people that have been say to this one?
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  10. good job you saved your own life!!

    never forget that, it doesnt matter it it was overkill to cut it away o not, you got to the ground safe. So what you have to pay for a packjob who gives a rats butt.

    Everyone else is not up there with you in that situation so dont let someone tell you that you did the wrong thing. just learn from it and move on!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  11. 230 main
    218 reserve... why?
    well that was all i could get craimed into my rig, and second i am still weighting the 218 at a 1.1. And i have had to land a 218 before and had no problem with it so i feel confident that i can fly and land it properly. But when i down size ot a 210( no rish to do this but one day) then i still plan to keep at least a 218.

    anyways, listen to the more expericed folks not me, i just wanted to throw my .02 in
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  12. im not going to ginve skydiving advice cause i am not qualified, but i have been in somce scary situations in my life non skydiving that is...

    anyways... my idea of life is that just cause you are scared doesnt mean you quit. I mean i run harder after it. i am terified of heights and the first time i got put on a repell tower i was scared to death and didnt want to let go, but i did and now i love to rock climb andlove to repell. if you dont conquer your fears they get the best of you. and well.. look at my quote on the bottom.. well its not my quote its John McCain's.

    Just relax take a deap breath and go after what you want. Take on the fear and beat it!

    have fun be safe and enjoy!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  13. lol i remeber that feeling vividly!!

    Enjoy it you will do great!

    and il bet that within the first day your new underage roomates ask you to buy for them!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  14. i didnt get a chance to go, had to work the entire freaking time...... its ok i got a new job and it lets me jump alot more now!!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  15. i have to day that at GOld Coast this is so much easer than other places. I jumped with guys down there who wont even give me the time of day up here. I got a 20 minutel lecture one time how i can not jump there till i have an A lisence cause i didnt train there, and how i should go through AFF all over again with them.... stuff like that is stupid.

    Bottom line is you have to ask, i asked a guy this weekend and he straight up asked me why he would want to jump with a newbie that would make him work.... there are jerks in this world and there are people who are just so stuck on them selves that they can not see beyond their own nose. However there are people who will be glad to jump with you and who will gladly take you up and just go have fun, there are people who will politly tell you no and there are those like that guy his weekend who cut me down when i asked him.

    I understand people can be busy and i understand people can have plans, but in my opinion there is no need to be rude or rash against someone for simply asking them to do a jump.

    With that said, about 5 minutes after that i had a guy with about 2000 jumps come up to m and ask me to go do a 2 way, it was great we flipped 10 points on it and had a blast. So it goes both ways. But when it comes down to it, at one time or other everyone is new to this sport, everyone has to learn and the only way you learn is talking listening, and jumping with people who know more that you.

    on thats my .02
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  16. Quote

    Dolphin is a great first rig. From what I hear one good thing is the design of the rig causes the reserve to fire more "over your head and forward" then straight off of your back. That could come in handy in some malfunctions.

    i think that might be a problem if you are flying a camera at the time..... but hey what do i know.

    i have almost all of my jumps on a dolphin and i fly belly and fast. I only had one peoblem and it was when the riser covers came undont and pulled out a break line. This cause all kind of mess and led to my just saying screw it this is why i have a reserve.

    im no expert by anymeans but i bought an used infinity instead... and it will be ready to jump in a week so i am excited!!
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  17. Quote

    My phone has been off since I got here. I'm surprized anyone has a battery charge left after the DD'ing and the drunkenness so far.

    this is why i am glad i only personaly know like 3 DZ.commers cause i have being drunk dialed....
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.