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Posts posted by crzjp20

  1. I am still a student... unfortunatly...but i can tell you that on my first jump had 2 instructors like normal and all. However i had one that i felt really comfortable with, and one that i was nervice to jump with. To this day i have not jumped with her again. However when it come to them pulling for me and all that, well i am a big guy so on my level 3 when they released my fall rate was huge! My 2 instructors were both strugling to keep up with me, no i had no problems, i waved and pulled no problem, and i was totaly stable. But if they would have had to pull for me.... well i think my cyprus would have had to do the job. But hey i am comfortable, confident, and have so mych fun in the air.
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

  2. In Reply To

    "Statistically, it's a very safe sport. But when you see accidents happen that could have been prevented, that's when it's time to talk about it."

    This was taken from a news report about the Gold Coast accident New Years eve.


    dont mean to side track and all, but when did the accident happen? I havnt been out there in 3 weeks... so i am a little lost.
    Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.