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Posts posted by RyanofOZ

  1. I totally agree. A little fear is what keeps us all in check with what we are strapping on. I get it less than I used to, but I am anal about checking my rig, and if thats a result of a little fear, good!

  2. I got beat up pretty bad with student Javs also, I know the feeling. I had black and blue marks all over my legs from those things. As for what is best, thats up to you. I would say you need to try on a few and demo jump them to see what you like best. I have a Vector now that is a lot better than the Javs but still not what I think of as comfy. I have jumped several other containers and like them all for different reasons. Find the one you like the best and try the double wide leg straps, they are great. I just got in my new Icon and love them.

  3. I had Skybytch (Lisa) order me a Flite Suit with freefly leg cuffs, baggy legs, and extra material in the arms. She also put on the form that I needed to "slow down" big time. I am thrilled with the suit and can use it for RW and freefly with no problems. I would have a look at what they can make for you, I love mine.

  4. Glad you made it down in one piece.

    I have never landed out but we have a guy at our DZ that has several times lately. They named him "golf course" because he forgets where he is while playing around up there and has landed out a bunch of times. Guess where? haha... Last time an old guy was cursing him because he landed on the green.

  5. I think everyone can learn something from another skydiver reguardless of jump numbers. I dont think I will get swooping advice from a student, but I will always listen to what others have to say. I think one of the problems in this sport is the "skygod" complex some people have and refuse to listen to "low" number jumpers about anything. I keep my mouth shut when I dont know what I am talking aobut, but I have no problem offering an opinion when relevent. I think the same for when I ask a question of another jumper. In the end, its advice and not gospel. Take it all for what it is and you wont have a problem

  6. I chose Aerodyne because of the new design, price, customer service, and great track record with performance. I have yet to hear of a built in turn (like my raven) crummy flair etc.. from a Smart. PD was my other choice and I feel they have a great product too, but I could afford a new Smart or a used PD. I went new and think I made a good choice.

  7. Sure do, but the situation would be different. Deployment going HD would happen if you were an idiot and lost alt awareness. At 200 ft would be a downplane of hell of a dive. The other way is that it misfires which can occur. The chances of that happening with one thats within its service paramaters though, is far less IMO that one that is not. In skydiving, we all know anyting can happn. Its just common sense to try and make the fudge factor of gear as small as possible. Why make something more risky for no benefit?

  8. I would never jump anything past its life expectancy date. As you said.... Time bomb. Just think of what a reserve deployment going head-down would do to you. How about a fire at 200 feet on final, or in the door of the plane! Not worth it IMO.

  9. It took 3 weeks for a guy to get my old Raven reserve in Canada and I shipped it the day funds were posted. He may be busy, maybe his wife is on the computer and not answering you instead of him, lots of reasons. I agree with the 7 days is not long. If you dont hear or see anything in a few weeks, then worry about it.

  10. Strange.. Obviously it is possible seeing as you witnessed it, but I have never see in or heard of it really. I fly my canopy very hard at altitude and have never been able to twist it up from toggle input. I am sure it would be easier to do on something more elliptical than I have but it still must be hard. I am sure the more experienced guys / gals here will know more but maybe its just something that certain canopys are more prone to?

  11. What you buy and when you buy it is really up to you. When I was going through AFF they provided the alti, goggles, suit etc.. After that if you dont have gear, you rent it. Personally I bought my helmet, alti, and suit right after I finished, and my rig soon after that. As for shoes and that sort of stuff, there are no special "skydiving shoes" I know of. I see all sorts of stuff up there.

    I would wait till you got through AFF and then buy a good helmet, goggles, alti, and suit. The next thing (rig) really depends on what your finances are like. Most people find out this is not a cheap sport but most will agree you can get pretty good deals on used stuff to start and use it for a long time. Others bought everything brand new. I mixed a little of both and am pretty happy with it.

    Welcome to our addiction! Be safe!

  12. I fly a 210 Spectre main and just bought a new Smart 190 reserve. I will downsize the main to a safire2 190 by the end of the year so I guess I'll be 190-190 then No matter how small a canopy I ever own, I think I will stick to 190 reserve seeing as I am 240 out the door.

  13. To start off, I have no desire to go buy a shiny new elliptical canopy any time soon. I heard a student (25) jumps at my DZ the other day telling me that he was going to get a really good deal on a stiletto and did not see why his instructor told him he was going to kill himself. He asked me what I thought and I told him that I agree with the instructor!

    Point being is that it got me thinking when all of you started jumping ellipticals. I have a Spectre and love it. I would probably go to a Safire2 or Sabre2 after this, one step down from current size and be happy for a long time. That however is a long way down the road because I have a blast on the Spectre I currently own.

    So, When did you cross over and was it a good choice on your part? Just curious to see what the average is here!