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Everything posted by CPIGK

  1. Maybe USPA will make them a group member again. Can everyone please call USPA and make more documented complaints. See you up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I did make that call and acted like a student trying to book a tandem. They told me they were from the local drop zone. Another unethical tactic of misrepresentation. I am tired of the unethical business practices that these guys are practicing and getting away with. See you up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. You are right; we should do it the ethical American way. Who is going to contact the lawyer to file suit against them for unfair business practices and false representation. The only way to really get these guys off the market is to stop using them. They are in a different state than all of us and suing them or threatening them won’t do a thing, “unless somebody knows of a good lawyer in Georgia.” We all need to refuse their threatening services and advise our customers of them. We run across these guys every year and their sales tactics can be pretty threatening. We all need to say no to them, that is the only way to stop it. See you up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I know USPA has sent a letter to Skyrider to straighten up their unethical acts. I wonder if it will do anything? In the mean time if we all want to get together and do something we can. Remember the idea of not buying gas when the prices were going up. If Americans don't buy gas for one day it would be detrimental to the gas industry. I have another idea for Skyrider. We can all spend about 15 to 20 minutes a day clicking on their featured sites on google, msn and yahoo. It will drive their advertising expenses up to point that they can't afford it. If they don't want to be ethical about business practices why should we? Just a thought. See you up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Welcome to the Glass House Adam. After reading the article and making a few phone calls I decided to respond to this post. To be a Golden Knight and a member of a time honored core you need to do certain things. Make it through tryouts, make it through winter training, and make it through you first year on the team. As I am happy for Adam, I hope he understands on what he needs to do for the tradition of the Golden Knights and his team mates. I have seen people get assigned to the team before without trying out and they go to tryouts the following year. I have even sons of former Golden Knights that are excellent skydivers go to tryouts. Adam has been assigned to the Golden Knights but it will be up to him to go to tryouts and gain the respect of his teamates. I am sure Adam has what it takes to make it through tryouts and I wish him luck on his venture. Golden Knight tryouts are not about picking the best skydiver. They are about picking team mates. Men and Women that you travel with over 200 days a year. Men and Women that have motivation to learn and work hard to gain a common goal as a Golden Knight. Looking at the posts about this subject I can tell Adam has what it takes to become a Golden Knight. You have much respect from your home drop zone. It will be up to Adam to prove this to his future team mates. It is not about just being paid to skydive or getting free stuff. You need to work and always remember you are being watched. Good luck and I hope you win some Gold for the team. Former Golden Knight Brian Smith See you up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!