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Everything posted by allicali

  1. You guys all freakin' rock. Thanks so much for a wicked weekend. All of you, the competition...the whole shabang mean a lot to my family. Til next year... --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  2. "May"???? I don't want to hear any question!!! See you tomorrow night, dude! Would it help if I told you my sister's gonna be there? --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  3. Oh YEAH BABY! The Cousins are comin'!!! The whole crew plus a few extras! We already had one rager for P-Money in Vancouver last week but the tequila isn't as good up in these parts! Did you know you can't get Patrone in Canada? What the...!!! I've told the 'extras' that skydivers party like no other... don't make me out to be a liar! SO looking forward to seeing the Hollister crew and toasting my brother with ya...repeatedly! Allison P.S. Pictures of the dude we're toasting, attached! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  4. Happy Birthday my Lil' Bro! I love you so much. I miss you... There's more I want to say but words are fleeting. I'll be back in a bit... [big punch in the arm!] Alli --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  5. allicali

    Canada trip

    Pop, you are one rugged dude! You guys should have seen this guy huckin' some serious air in the Whistler terrain park! Even after slicing his leg TO THE BONE, Pop partied like a rockstar all weekend...even came out dancing on Friday night! He's super human! I think the codeine and alcohol cocktail gave him an added edge! You're my idol pop! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  6. allicali

    Canada Rocks!!!!

    HURRY UP! Can't wait!! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  7. Haha! I new I'd opened myself up on that one before I hit the post button. Almost changed it to "fox trap" but thought it would be more fun to leave it be. --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  8. SkyDekker, my fellow Canadian! "State" secret? "Provincial." Maybe "Parliament." Anything but, "State"... Or are you translating for our southern brother? --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  9. What? Jokes? I really respect Canadians. Especially their environmentally friendly SUV Besides, who else could make that flannel shirt and hat with flaps into a fashion statement? He looks gooooood doin' it. Now you're warming up! Oh, a gotta' go! I think I snagged something in my beaver trap! Dinner AND a new shirt! OH happy day! OH CANADA! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  10. Vinny! This is CANADA! It's CROWN ROYAL, my friend! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  11. I'm bringin' the digital! There will be LOTS of incriminating photos! Seb, I advise you to stay away from monkey cages and dirty diapers...for your own sake, my friend. --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  12. Is that a threat or a promise?! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  13. Oh, WE'RE prepared! YOU better rest up boys! And girl ;) --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  14. Oh, the Canadian jokes... Come on, you can do better than that! Bring it (oh no...what have I done!!) --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  15. Come on up and see why! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  16. And we are SO excited to have you guys!!! I've done the Hollister thing with y'all and, yeah, you skydivers are a breed of your own.... ...but...WHISTLER?!?!'s internationally renound! Not to mention, so is our beer!!! Combining Californian skydivers with Canadian snowboarders/ WHISTLER....??? Oh, the trouble!! SO, SO, SO excited... Hurry up and get yo' ass UP HERE! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  17. Good to see you Liz! Just to be clear, I take no responsibility for the events of that evening --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  18. Oh - and there are more pics where those came from! --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully
  19. Well, a whole day has passed and I still have queasy moments but, DAMN, was it worth it! Too much fun. Here are a few memories from the Canada-Cam. (I feel a 'moment' coming on ) --------------------------------- Fly Free Paully