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  1. Hey Hoop, Thanks for sharing your story. Reading it was a lot of fun. Hopefully, the new kids on the block will appreciate all the words "written" between the lines. PS: I've always liked your taste in women. bj worth
  2. Thailand Disaster Relief Fund – Positive Update The Royal Thai Air Force contacted World Team's Larry Henderson in the wee hours this morning, to report how thrilled they are that the international skydiving community is generating relief funds for the disaster in Thailand. Three top RTAF Generals – ACM Kongsak, (Commander-in-Chief), ACM Chalit (Chairman of Organizing Committee for international skydiving events), and AVM Bunchuay (World Team’s hero in the RTAF) have decided they will use these funds to help rebuild a village in the Narong Province – one the hardest hit areas in Thailand. Mini-villages are being rebuilt with ten homes to a village. They can rebuild one home for each $2500 received. Our collective goal is for World Team and the international skydiving community to support the construction of one complete mini-village. This will require $25,000 (1 million Baht) in contributions. If / when this goal is reached, the RTAF will name this village the World Skydivers Village, and erect a dedication plaque on site. Funds for the first home have already been received, and we’re now working on home number two. Skydivers will always be welcome guests in “their” village. In fact, the RTAF is planning to invite the skydivers attending the upcoming Thai Sky Festival to make demonstration jumps on the beaches of Narong and Phuket from its Hercs – to bring some unexpected joy to the people in this devastated region. If you know someone in our skydiving family who wants to help build a village, could you please direct them to the relief fund websites: or Thank you. Safe skies, bjworth
  3. Yes, flyontheground, there are some disaster solicitation scams out there, and in some cases there is abuse or waste of donations. However, I encourge you to learn the facts before encouraging others to abandon a plan that has the very real opportunity of helping others in need. The specific reasons we are working with the Commander-in-Chief of the RTAF is because we know him personally, and he (and the RTAF) have supported the international skydiving community in a very big way for many many years and events. Besides, the RTAF will be using all of these funds for aid and not for salaries, cars, etc., because these RTAF personnel already have salaries, cars, etc. This is a practical means to get the funds directly to those survivors who need it the most - without supporting large bureaucracies weighted down with administrative expenses. We wouldn't be organizing this charitable fund if we did not know all the players and trust them implicitly - based on years of seeing them deliver what they promise in a most gracious and honest manner. Thank you for your consideration. bjworth Quote