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Posts posted by bhale

  1. I believe it, very much, depends on what you are looking for in a canopy, and you experience level.Canopy manufacturers are responding to the cry for smaller, faster canopies.
    Any reputable company will go above and beyond, testing before marketing.
    It's a kick being the first on the DZ with the latest and greatest.
    Know what you want in a canopy, and go for it.
    Have fun, be safe!

  2. I think, for the number of jumps of you have, it is too small.
    I would recommend a wingloading of 1/1, if that.
    Make some jumps on a larger canopy, learn to fly it in ALL conditions, until every landing is a standup, then move down.
    Don't be in a hurry to wreck the ankles. You have the rest of your jumping career, take it slow.
    Have fun, be safe.

  3. I am one of the biggest advocate's of AFF. My DZ is one of the few around (in Texas) that does not require tandems.
    While I think tandems are good, especially if you are not real sure about pursuing the sport, AFF is the most efficient way to learn to skydive. With quality training, you should have no worries about being able to complete the learning objectives, including finding your way to the DZ.
    It is unfortunate about the distance to the DZ. Save your money, and try to knock out the program in a couple of weekends. Spend the whole weekend at the DZ. Just remember, you will tire mentally before physically. Pay attention, and be safe.

  4. Just to add my experience.....
    I started with a Strong tandem rating-no trap door effect, and moved to Vector's a couple of years ago, and, on my first few jumps the trap door effect freaked me out. I screamed like a baby, with over 2,000 jumps at the time. It was really the feeling you promise your students they won't feel, the roller coaster feeling.

  5. I took a parplegic several weeks ago. I feel sure I was more nervous than he was, but wanted him to be able to experience the rush of freefall/canopy ride. All through the train up, ride, jump, landing, he was very "ho-hum" about the whole thing. Never really got excited. After getting him back in his chair, I pulled his wife to the side and asked her if he was always so "enthused", explaining his lack of excitment. She said, "Oh, I should have told you before, but I gave him two valiums right before we got here, to help control the involuntary muscle spasams. The poor guy was high as a kite.
    I should have taken a couple, scared the shit out of me!

  6. I can make the H-mod vs. Competition comparison. I jump 95 Cobalts, loading at approx. 2.1/2.1, and while the difference between H-mod and Comp are subtle, there are some differences.
    The Comp. model definitely seems to dive steeper, and recovery is longer, but the additional speed is incredible!
    Dan will correct me if I am wrong on this, but I believe the Comp. model is comparable to jumping a regular Cobalt at one size smaller (ie: Competition Cobalt 105 equals regular Cobalt 120).
    The openings are very good, toggle pressure light, swoops FUN!!!

  7. Looking at your profile, with the number of jumps you have, I would not recommend doing riser turns for final, yet.
    Learn canopy flight first. If you are looking for additional speed, at this stage of your swooping career, come in straight, but use double front risers for some speed. This will help you avoid misjudging the altitiude in which to start a riser turn.
    Bottom line, don't be in a hurry to hurt yourself.
    Be safe, have fun.

  8. Agreed, on all the points provided: stuff the nose and roll the tail, no less than 12 times. Make sure you have the recommended pilot chute size, too. This will make a HUGE difference. I made the mistake of using my factory mirage 26" on my 95 Cobalt, and it was "brisk", to say the least.
    Pilot chute size and rubber bands. To the others point, visit the web site, and follow the recommendations.

  9. If you have demo'd the 135 Cobalt, and landed it with no problems, both up wind and down wind, go for the 135!
    Cobalts are great canopies, and have wonderful range for flare.
    Be safe, have fun!!!

  10. I have performed over a thousand toggle "hooks", and have been very happy with the results. I have recently gone to front riser "carves" which have increased distance dramatically. I have heard, for a long time, how much more dangerous toggle turns are, swinging the body out, no opportunity to bail out if turn is too low, etc... Until tnis weekend, I would gladly argue that toggle turns are just as "safe" as riser turns, for high speed landings.
    For once, it was not windy(Saturday). The swoops were FAST!
    I was down a load, so was watching the landings. One of our staff members, on a new Vengance, pulled a hard toggle 180, and was just starting to come back under the canopy when he hit/bounced. His second point of contact was approximately 50 feet from his first. As a result: fractured fibula, dislocated ankle, crushed L3. They are going to remove the bone fragments from area where L3 used to be, and put pins in. This could very well end his skydiving career.
    Could this happen with a riser turn, absolutley! Low turns, toggle and riser, are dangerous!
    I guess my feelings are, riser carves keep the body better centered under the canopy. Riser carves allow the pilot to come out of the turn and still have the ability to flare.
    I am concerned, especially for low time jumpers. Everyone (me included) is sizing down and speeding up. Low time jumpers see experienced jumpers flying hot rods and performing high speed landings, and try to emulate what they are seeing.
    I would just ask, please, high speed pilots, keep an eye out for those up and coming "swoopers", and get involved with their progress before it is too late. Let's take care of each other, and stay safe.