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  1. actually that is my worst fear. blue skies! ps, i wouldnt know what to tell you other than that would scare the life out of me too!! Good thing you arent a B.A.S.E. :) Less time for error correction.
  2. MmM. I kinda like hard liquor, never liked beer that much. But if I had to choose, I'll take a bud light.
  3. I dont know you bro, but blue skies to grandma and your family and yourself. I know my grandma means the world to me too. Mike
  4. Hey thanks guys! I appreciate the kind feedback! :) I'll get in touch here with you guys when Im heading up.
  5. Well, I have prepared my mind body and spirit for my first jump. Im in the process of reading further untill Im perfectly comfortable and maybe jump with someone experienced for my first time, maybe even from here ! :) Anyhow, one thing I read that stood out was "Its not about having balls to jump off a cliff, but rather having the skill to manage under stress and make split second decisions" Im not sure, but I think one of the greats said that ;) Anyhow, I do realize that you arent supposed to base jump untill You have reached the 200+ mark, I will definitely have to respect that standing in the position Im in now. I mean I have never even been in a plane let alone jumped out of one but hey. Im down for anything always and just realized how I missed alot over the years. When I was 12 I used to only dream of one day having the gerd to Base jump, I never realized the skill, and training involved untill now! Its purely amazing. You are all amazing individuals whom i hope to learn alot from. I want to introduce myself, Im mike from Ohio, I am an administrator and webmaster amongst other things and those of you whom would ever want to yell, tell, or show me something, just email me anytime. [email protected]