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Posts posted by JerryBaumchen

  1. 2 hours ago, wmw999 said:

    Dunno !about you, but my phone signal really improved after they implanted that chip. I could probably talk to mars if there were anyone there

    Wendy P. 

    Hi Wendy,

    And, just how do you know there is no one there?

    Jerry Baumchen

  2. 3 hours ago, tkhayes said:

    The republican party officially claimed that they are the 'party of Trump' after the early primaries.

    That should be all that anyone needs to know.  They are NOT for America or about America, or the constitution, or law and order, they are ONLY about Trump.  Like 2020, they do not even have a platform or policy..... only Trump.  The Project 2025 so-called platform has nothing to do with policy, it only has to do with handing all power to the executive.

    Fuck that Trump guy, he is now and will always be the one-term, twice impeached, felony convicted, former president.  Soon he will die, and I will celebrate with 18 year old scotch and a neighborhood BBQ.  And after the conviction, fuck anyone that supports that POS for president.

    Hi tk,

    Some Oregon GOP thoughts:  

    [ Current ] US Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer [ GOP – Oregon ], however, didn’t want to talk about the conviction when asked to comment Thursday.

     Republican Air Force veteran Monique DeSpain, who will face

    [ Current US Rep - Dem – Oregon ] Val Hoyle in the fall election, did not respond to a request for comment.

     [ Current ] Republican U.S. Rep. Cliff Bentz, who represents Eastern Oregon in Congress, also did not respond to a request for comment.

     [ Current US Rep - Dem – Oregon ] Andrea Salinas will face businessman Mike Erickson [ GOP candidate ] . . . said he was shocked by the verdict and said he believes that politics played a role in the legal process.

    U.S. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer doesn’t want to talk about Donald Trump conviction (

    I guess if you keep your head in the sand, it will all go away.

    Jerry Baumchen


  3. 30 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

    Sadly, too many so called moderate republicans today believe they have inherited rights to credibility from 50 years ago. They do not.

    Hi Joe,

    The one & only 'moderate republican' that I know says he will resign from the GOP if they nominate Trump.

    Other than him, where are they? *

    Jerry Baumchen

    * I was not referring to here on dz,com.

  4. 13 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

    The case against Trump was clearly super solid if you followed it. There was not a scintilla of doubt that he committed election fraud. So instead of indulging in wishful thinking, just take a look at what your political party has become. Mike Johnson is emblematic of the self serving corruption and rot in the Republican party and the congressional toady's lined up to claim Biden did it and it's a travesty of justice. Republicans all. 

    Hi Joe,

    Not a scintilla of decency in any of them in any leadership position.

    Jerry Baumchen

  5. 17 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

    I can tell you this, Ken 34 Felony convictions - if it were you and I - would we be looking at the slap on the wrist you presented? No one is above the law - AND the higher up the more you should be an example. 5 years in the pokey for each count. I rest my case. 

    I've had enough of people in power not leading by example - so let's make them an example. 

    Hi Keith,

    See how easy it is for us to agree?

    Re:  'an example.'

    I'm all for that.  Usually, I would not agree to someone being made an example; IMO this was wrong:  Eddie Slovik - Wikipedia

    I will make an exception for Trump; the worst of the worst.

    Jerry Baumchen


  6. 45 minutes ago, nigel99 said:

    I think there are a few good reasons not to vote for him. I think his age is a major concern, as an example.

    I don’t think people should be criticised for not voting based on their conviction that neither candidate is suitable. There isn’t an option to vote no. 

    I get the argument that not voting potentially helps Trump, but similarly voting for Biden gives him more of a mandate, which a moderate might not want to do.

    Hi Nigel,

    Re:  There isn’t an option to vote no. 

    One can always write-in someone.

    Re:   voting for Biden gives him more of a mandate

    While I respect anyone's right to vote as they want, to me a Biden mandate is far, far better than Trump.  No matter how you slice it.

    To me, voting is almost always the choosing of the lesser of the two evils.  However, I have not seen Joe Biden ever doing something that I would consider a mandate.

    In US politics, a mandate usually comes with a very lop-sided win; I doubt that this election will be anything like that.


    Jerry Baumchen

    • Like 1

  7. 1 hour ago, winsor said:

    Both candidates are truly awful people, and it speaks badly of us that only the scum rises to the top.

    Hi winsor,

    I realize that is an opinion of yours.  I disagree with it.

    I consider Joe Biden a truly decent person.

    That is my opinion.

    Jerry Baumchen


    • Like 1

  8. 13 minutes ago, winsor said:

    "Did you get the Radio Announcer job?"

    "N- n- n- no, they di- di- di- didn't hire me 'cause I'm Je- Je- Je- Jewish."

    Hillary Clinton is beneath contempt, and being female has nothing to do with it.  When she 'stood by her man' in an interview in which he responded to questions regarding infidelity with references to 'rough patches' in any marriage, it told me everything I needed to know about her, that she was every bit as loathsome as him.  She has since done everything to support that assessment.

    Trump blurts out whatever crosses his mind, without consideration for what might or might not be the 'facts.'  Since truth is but an abstract concept to him, calling him a liar is giving him too much credit.  HRC, OTOH, would appear to know the difference when she puts forth an endless stream of self-serving falsehoods.

    When I vote, I don't take race or sex into account - unless the candidate makes it an issue.  If someone says 'vote for me because I'm a straight white male' or 'vote for me because I'm black and bisexual,' they've just lost my vote either way.  If they say 'vote for me because I'm the most dedicated and competent candidate, and I have coherent plans to address the key issues about which you are concerned,' I couldn't care less what are their demographic particulars.

    It concerns me that your priority appears to be more who a candidate is than what are their agenda.  Your right, I suppose.

    Hi winsor,

    Re:   it told me everything I needed to know about her

    By that measure, we should judge you by what you did in the back seat of your dad's car when you were 17; right?

    People mature & change; at least, that is how I understand it.

    Jerry Baumchen


  9. Hi folks,

    Today, Joe Biden said:  "America is the only country in the world founded on an idea that all people are created equal, deserves to be treated equally throughout their lives," . . .  "We've never fully lived up to that but we've never ever walked way from it."

    On the other hand:  , , ,  on Monday [ DonaldTrump] took to social media to attack writer E. Jean Carroll and others, including judges in his cases. . . "Happy Memorial Day to All, including the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country”

     On Memorial Day, Biden recognizes son, war dead in Arlington National Cemetery (

    The choice is very easy.

    Jerry Baumchen


  10. 5 hours ago, Hissone said:

    Just curious do you agree with the president that 13 dead servicemen and over 150 dead civilians from a suicide bomber at Kabul airport is a success? Also the retaliation for the bombing led to a drone strike approved by the president that also killed a family of 10. 7 whom were children that had nothing to do with the bombing. Is that all a success and Trumps fault also? 

    Hi Hissone,

    From the D-Day landings to the liberation of Paris, 2/3 of the dead were French civilians.  In the Jan '45 fire-bombing of Tokyo, 100,000 Japanese civilians died.  

    Would you consider those efforts a 'success?'

    War is hell and people die.

    I don't like it anymore than you do.

    Jerry Baumchen

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, wmw999 said:

    That kind of describes Hillary Clinton. If she were a man, she'd be considered a hardass who can get things done. Since she's a woman and a liberal (sort of), she's the bitch-devil incarnate.

    Wendy P. 



    Hi Wendy,

    You are so correct.

    In 2008, I absolutely did not want Hillary to get the nomination; which IMO she thought she deserved. After she became Sec of State, and worked her butt off in that job, I changed my mind.

    She would have made a damn good POTUS IMO.

    Jerry Baumchen


    • Like 1

  12. 5 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

    To some extent, "what can they do". Look at the last remaining republican politician with a backbone, Liz Cheney. Look at Rick Wilson the founder of the Lincoln Project a 30 year republican. Author of the acclaimed book "Everything Trump touches dies".

    Once a master manipulator, politician, populist gains control of the reins of a party. i.e. the nomination process. Only radiation and a cocktail of poisons will kill it.

    Hi Phil,

    Re:  To some extent, "what can they do".

    There are times in one's life in which they must stand up for what they really believe, even to their own detriment.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Wikipedia


    The Nazi's first came for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.  Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.  Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up

    because I was a Protestant.  Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me.

     Rev. Martin Niemoeller

    Jerry Baumchen

  13. 5 hours ago, gowlerk said:

    Who? No lifelong politician at this level gives up power willingly. Someone would have had to take it from him. The roster of potential nominees in 2020 contained no one better. 

    Hi Ken,

    On that, I must disagree with you.

    Jerry Baumchen


  14. 7 hours ago, wmw999 said:

    Doing it a little too brown there. Bigun is no racist, and he's making no such claims. He is suggesting that painting all Republicans with the same brush is just as wrong as painting all of any group

    Wendy P.

    Hi Wendy,

    One of my best friends is a member of the GOP.  However, he does say that if Trump gets the nomination, he will resign from the party.

    As for the 'same brush:'  I will NOT vote for any member of the GOP until they disavow Trump.

    Jerry Baumchen

    • Like 1

  15. 1 hour ago, normiss said:

    Good luck with your technology, and yes, Apple ID's are some of the biggest PITA passwords to reset/recover, unless you have an iPhone.

    Enjoy your trip.

    Hi Ken,

    I have had an iMac and an iPhone.  I doubt that I will ever own another Apple product.  They are not for me.

    Jerry Baumchen

  16. 1 hour ago, ryoder said:

    That is Kid Rock arriving at a rodeo, in a Cybertruck painted to match the "General Lee" (from "Dukes of Hazzard"), driven by John Schneider. So maybe he's trying to make EV's cool with the MAGA demographic.

    Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 16.46.04.png

    Hi Robert,

    I had one go by my house yesterday.  They are very strange looking; but, maybe they will grow on me.

    Jerry Baumchen