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Posts posted by Lindsey

  1. I've gotten TONS of warnings, once 3 in one stop! Had a tail light out, was speeding, and didn't have proof of insurance. Can't remember when I've gotten a ticket, except when I rear-ended that police


    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  2. The "what's your best physical attribute" thread bothers me waaaay more than the Mirage ad. One is your peers being superficial while the other is businesspeople making money. I'm more *touched* by my peers. But I also recognize that I'm probably a little hypersensitive right now. I'm thinking that steady hands while I put in a surgical airway aren't what the poster's looking for. I still have that! But the thread pisses me off.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  3. I think it must be my opposable thumbs. Grateful I'm not a monkey.

    Next year...and when I'm 95...I might say my tits, but this year, it's my


    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  4. I think the excitement of the weekend hunt sans mama did him in. Jay was home today with a migraine...a bad one. Ugh. They saw lots of doe. Reuben shot one. Jay did not. They saw two young bucks, a 5 point and a 6 point that they didn't shoot at--we've seen them a few times this fall, but they're small and will be bigger next year.

    Reuben has hunted a lot with his dad, a childhood friend of mine, but this was the first deer he's killed. He was so excited. His dad stayed up late showing Reuben how to clean it. I can't help Jay with that. But Reuben was excited to provide his family with some meals for the winter. :)


    Edited to add: and as Jay said tonight, "This is REALLY good chicken, Mom!" I had to think of the birds in the back of those trucks. They always stop next to you at a light and make you look. THEY suffer. Deer don't.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  5. LOL...hasn't this turned into a funny thread. OMG!

    One thing I love about being a parent is helping my son develop his interests and talents...HIS, not mine. This fall, I've been proud of how he's matured, and it was a really big day for him...and for me...for him to be able to hunt without his mother's supervision. I'm proud of my boy. And though it's not my thing, I'm glad he has fun hunting. He's good at it. :)

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  6. In my mind, the rigs today are all pretty good...and safe. So if you want to base your purchase on some ass-and-tit ad (I haven't seen the ad), then GO FOR IT! If you buy your rig based on comfort, then FINE. Whatever melts your butter. Why get upset over little stuff like this? Have a good time! :)
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  7. I'm pretty sure, from watching him, that Jay thinks it's fun to kill a big buck. Now a doe...that's good meat, and he'll watch them all day long if we're not needing any.

    I never thought I'd have animal heads in my house, but I do. It's one of Jay's things, and that's fine. I like seeing his golf clubs more (because he's REALLY good at that), but whatever his interest, I'll try to help him out. He's his own person, and I'm proud of him.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  8. Shoot, businesses can advertise as they choose! If it sells, then GREAT for them. If they sell crappy products with seductive advertising, then boo on the consumer who was lured by his DARWIN! :) It's not a big enough thing for folks to get their panties in a wad over. CHILL! Enjoy your ride.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  9. It blows my mind that this is even a topic of discussion. How is it that we can't expect the people whom we rely on to protect our country to deal with people just like everyone else does?! I mean, there are all KINDS of people that the rest of us work with, live amongst, deal with every day without threat of physical violence or loss of a career...or any repercussions at all. What's different about the military? We entrust people in the military with greater responsibility than just about any other segment of our community. So why can't we trust 'em to be able to cope with the fact that everybody ain't straight? Nobody likes everybody. Still gotta get along. Cope. Grow. Be big enough to work alongside people you might not like.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  10. We live in a small town in south Arkansas. EVERYBODY here hunts, though nobody in my family ever His grandmother (my step mom) is who taught him to shoot, and he's NEVER missed a deer that he's taken a shot at. He's headed out the door right now, btw...headed back to his stand...wait, I'm making him charge his phone for 15 minutes And we have deer spaghetti on the stove! :)
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  11. Here's the situation, from my perspective, as a physician a little more than 2 years in practice. I started my OWN practice. I don't work for anyone but me. In my first two years, I've had to borrow nearly half a million dollars and still pay in on average $5K a month...which means LONG hours in the ER after clinic hours to make things work. There are VERY FEW people who work has hard as I do. It's all starting to come together. We're in the black this year. Why do I owe what I earn to somebody who doesn't try as hard as I do. In that same time, I had a total knee replacement...went back to work 2 weeks later. Then my dad had heart surgery, and I took care of his patients for 2 months as well as mine. Now I got breast cancer, and went back to work less than a week after bilateral mastectomy...because my people expect to be paid.

    Why do I owe what I work for to people who don't work as hard as me?! I don't think I do. I GIVE it. But I don't owe it.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  12. This is my 13 y/o son's third season to deer hunt. He got a really nice 8-point a couple weekends ago. Last year, I took the Hunter's Safety course with him and his friend Reuben (though I have NEVER been a hunter or knew anything about hunting or take on your children's interests). I've been in the deer stand LOTS of mornings and evenings with Jay since then. He's a good, safe hunter I think. Today I let him go out alone with his friend, Reuben. They're going again in the morning. Ya' gotta let 'em off your leash at some point. Can't raise 'em in a bubble. This will be different.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  13. Felt ya' zoom through today, and I just had to give ya' a high five on your way by. Have fun up there, friend!
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  14. LOL...he tried to teach me to sitfly...once. I stuck to my old belly-flying habits though. I was sad that he wasn't there when I visited Skyranch a couple months ago. What I'd give to see him again. I remember his old Racer back in the early 90's that he had the big "Caution" radioactive sticker He was a hoot!
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  15. Statistics are a great tool that can be used to defend ANYTHING! People will believe who they want to believe and will go to great lengths to defend their position, Funny how what's logical to another person is a solutely stupid, as far as I can see.... Nothing's black and white.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  16. My personal and professional opinion is that women should have a pap yearly after she becomes sexually active and a mammogram yearly after 40 (or 5 years younger than a 1st degree relative was diagnosed with breast CA). If insurance doesn't pay (which it won't very, very soon), then save your pennies and pay out of pocket. It's worth it.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  17. I don't think it's a good idea, but I also think it's silly to blame I don't think that *risks* vs. benefit are as much an issue as costs vs. benefit, though. Whether we like it or not, healthcare costs have to be a concern, and we have to use those dollars wisely.

    There are some women (a good friend of mine for one) who develop breast cancer before age 40 without significant risk factors. There are a few more who develop it between 40 and 50. Mammograms aren't terribly sensitive in the under 40 group -- we've known that. Over 40, breasts become less dense and mammograms are more sensitive. Obviously as you get older, mammograms are more accurate.

    There has to be some age at which we decide to start routine screenings. I think this decision is based on money and efficiency, basically. We get more for our buck. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people whose cancers will be missed until they're more advanced. And also unfortunately, this age group tends to be the ones with young kids, new careers....stuff like that.

    Like it or not, though. This is where we're headed. Better get used to it.

    Edited to add: of course we have to look at the over 72 group too. LOTS of breast cancers in this group. But they're the ones we're willing to let go these days, I guess. Not enough longevity to preserve with routine screening....

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  18. Quote

    I was wondering how you have been.

    Welcome back, be careful OK?

    I've been good, but recovering from a knee replacement's something I only want to do once. So I'm gonna get a BIG SLOW Searching the classifieds and all. I'd like to buy slightly used gear. 5'9" 170 lbs. So if ya' know of anything.... :) (Is that allowed here?)

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  19. Sawbones just (about an hour ago) gave me his blessing to jump again after my total knee replacement one year ago. Looking for new gear. :)

    Just had to share.

    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  20. I don't think it's an over-reaction. I think we're lucky, though, that this one isn't hitting us so hard. It could have been much worse, and I do think it's a good idea to have our heads out of our asses where influenza is concerned. There have been several similar scares-of-sorts since the 1924 (was it 24?) pandemic. That was the bad one. When another virus DOES spread amongst us that we have little immunity against, I'd much rather be prepared for it (best we can be) than not.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

  21. Quote


    I'm hypo-impressed with any attempt to let these borrowers off the hook. They aren't victims. The lenders were greedy, knowing they'd have no liability after they sold the loans. Greed is more evil than dimwittedness, but I'm not sure which is more worthy to be removed from the gene pool.

    I didn't say the borrowers were victims. I said the safeguard that had traditionally been in place was largely removed as lenders were selling off more of their mortgages.

    Well, yeah. That goes without saying. And I'm still back there on page one or two, responding to that idea that it's the bank's fault. Well, they're greedy. DUH! There's plenty of blame to be spread around, but we PEOPLE have to learn to be more responsible for ourselves.
    A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail