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Posts posted by foxyroxtail

  1. Quote

    But I tried!.... yes key word tried:ph34r: :DI had hot water shooting out from the faucet handle and trying to stop it with my hand didn't work the best [:/]
    I think I burned my palm.

    Last time i trust someone else to turn off both the cold and hot water... not just one! :S

    I'm married to a plumber. We love this stuff. Makes us laugh. Plus, we get to charge the "I told you so" price, which means more skydives :D

    Hope your hand feels better - a cold beer will help that. B|


  2. They will be available soon!

    You can only get them from ladies who are _on_ JFTC 2005 and have pre-ordered calendars from Gaia's Rose to sell.

    If there isn't anyone at your DZ who is selling them, PM me!



  3. Quote

    Pammy is drop Dead gorgeous:o
    Who is she:)

    He took this one, too

    Now you know why we say he can make a girl look good!!


  4. Quote

    I love the picture of you and Jake. I think I'll have to copy that one and print it out;)

    You sure know how to make a gal look good:)

    You bet your Chloroseptic he does!!


  5. Quote

    Maybe cause he has a girlfriend and moved on a long time ago is why he has not emotions on this.

    I am sad and emotional when someone dies, it hurts when somone you love dies, it hurts alot. That is fact at least with most humans.

    So I will draw the conclusion that he is hurt, since he is human. Just because he has a girlfriend does not mean he isn't sad that Terri is gone.

    My issue is that her father behaved in a way that took the peace, dignity and sanctity from Terri's room in the last moments of her life. Emotions, pain, sadness are expressed in many ways, but if it's at a level that needs restraining, well, like flyangel said - her father did it to himself, and took the family down with him.


  6. Quote

    I have many vices.

    1) Tops of the list, I am a lawyer
    2) I never drink to excess, but drink often.
    3) I can cuss up a storm
    4) I bottle in emotions until critical mass is reached, thereby releasing a spew of venom and ash that can be barely overheard by someon in the next room
    5) I don't do any exercise that is not fun
    6) I occasionally forget to wash my hands after the potty
    7) I procrastinate (I'll tell you more about that later)
    8) I go for long periods where I break my vow of consistent coitus
    9) I always drive the speed limit.

    10) I make lists.


  7. Quote


    It was the parents that let their emotions get the best of them so they messed it up for themselves.

    At least they have some, emotions. Is it so wrong to not want to have your daughter starve to death and when that is inevitable then not be able to be by her side. Her fathers "outbreak" was awefully convenient for MS.

    That's right - all the more reason her dad should have behaved in a manor that would have brought dignity and peace to the room where his daughter was dying.

    Don't equate outburst and violence for benevolent emotion. MS has been quiet and dealing with the final loss of his spouse. Some people don't need a news conference or police to help them with that.

  8. Quote

    So at what point do you know someone really well? When is okay to marry someone that you THINK you know really well? People change over the years, change that can be unforeseen.

    Yup - so unforeseen that you may change and your parents may not know. :o

    Since 1990 no one has known what TS took with her when her heart (the literal one) turned on her. But given what was known and given the laws under which they were known, legal decisions and rulings were made or denied. The courts are not passing judgement on who the better people are. They are only interpreting the legal rights of one over another. Spouse is the trump card.

  9. Yes - you choose your life partner, and that relationship is fundamentally an extension of you.

    While we have close family ties, the bond of blood, even deep love of/with family, the intimacy is not typically what spouses share, and no one should know you better than your spouse.

  10. Just heard one of my old media professors on the news talking about why this was a public circus. His take:

    1) It had a major foundation for a good story - conflict. Right vs. Left, Family vs. Family, and the ultimate and final conflict of Live vs. Death.

    2) It had Resonance. People can relate because it has happened to them or someone they know.

    3) It got "legs" - during a time of not much else going on, it was pushed to the front of the news. (see # 1 & 2 above for why) Once it was out there a few times, it "got legs" - became a big story that could stand on it's own.

    Interesting I thought.



  11. Now everyone go out and get your living wills updated so you're not next.

    Take charge of your life by taking charge of your death. Don't be afraid to let your wishes be known -and binding.

    I loved the SouthPark - have it TiVo'd.



  12. Quote


    And staying for a month. :ph34r:

    Not a whole month, but close. Don't want to wear out my welcome.

    If you'll come out a little early and see those of us at the Camp and leave after the Mem. Day boogie, then it would be a month. Plus I really need to see your Ghost Flames.

    If you really need to find something to do between events, there's always your Sam's card!




  13. Quote

    Are you selling any of the "Save the Boobie" beer bottle coozies. I have one from two years ago and would like another. I have worn off the Boobie rubbing them.

    I have a very limited supply of them. PM me.

