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Posts posted by Evelyn

  1. I'm wondering if I should rent a car, or if people will be available to pick people up from the airport. Seems like a waste to rent a car when I'm staying in a team room at the DZ and only need to get from the airport to the DZ and back. Can we start a list of who is coming in at what time and needs a ride.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  2. Congrats on your 100th. Glad you did something memorable for it. I haven't done anything memorable for milestone jumps. Maybe for my 500 :S.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  3. Being sick sucks. I got sick on the sixth day of a 15 day Panama Canal cruise. Totally missed a couple ports, and was sick when we were going through the canal so just looked out the window a couple times and only went onto deck like once. What a waste of what could have been a good cruise. Hope you get better soon :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  4. Quote

    It's on its way hun, let it have whats coming to it. Preferably something involving tunnel time for yourself:P

    Shannon doesn't have a tunnel at her DZ :P , but I've got one at Perris :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  5. Quote

    You might want to use the folks from Elsinore Gravity as resources. They are cool cats. They're approachable, and being in touch with the local scene, I'm should could help connect you with other jumpers around your experience who might be interested in putting something together. Don't be shy just cause they're good....

    Happy teammate hunting.


    I love the Elsinore Gravity peeps! I've been doing Excel camps with them for the past year. Even attended a Team Social with them last year. At the time I wasn't ready to be part of a team, but still a great event. I'm hoping they do it again this year. Since I jump at both Perris and Elsinore, I have the option of finding team mates from either/both DZ's. And since I'm in no hurry I can take my time finding the people I am most compatible with. I'm really excited :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  6. We have a Halloween party tommorow. I put off doing costumes, so we're gonna go last minute dressed in regular clothes holding picket signs saying "Nudist on strike" unless someone can come up with something better at the last minute.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  7. I think it looks great Chelle. Did you do it yourself? I want to have purple streaks in my hair but my hairdresser (my daughters best friend since grade school, and kind of our adopted daughter) said that if I wanted that done I'd have to find another hairdresser. God, kids these days, their so f**king conservative :P. So is it hard to do it yourself? Or if you didn't do it yourself can you recommend someone?

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  8. So glad you're having fun Jef. Just beware of the "crack house". It can be soooo addicting. When we got the tunnel in Perris I spent so much time there that I didn't feel like a day of skydiving was complete unless it included some tunnel time :P. Thankfully I got past that and now only visit it every couple months to get my fix :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  9. I want to devote the next year to 4-way RW. I think the best way for me to do this is to be part of a team so that I can jump with the same people on a regular basis and be able to really focus on improving my skills without having to deal with the issues involved with jumping with different people all the time - fall rate, experience level, etc. I'm going to attend a team building workshop next month, which should provide a lot of good info, but I also wanted advice from other people on what worked for you, what didn't, things to consider when forming/being part of a team, etc. Since this is new to me I would appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  10. Call my husband. He sells cars. Don't know if he could find you what you're looking for , but if not maybe he could hook you up with some one. His cell is 818-636-5023. Call him!

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  11. Quote

    Awww... turbine snobs. So cute. ;)

    Glad you had that experience, Evelyn and were able to get something out of it. Exits aren't that complicated, just a little bit different. You can have fun with them, too. I've yet to try hanging off the wing by my feet (bat hang) but look forward to doing it some day.

    Hey. thanks for the encouragement :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  12. Having learned to skydive at Perris, and since I usually jump at Perris or Elsinore, I mostly jump from otters. When I was at Byron last month we had a discussion about the smallest plane we'd jumped from. When I said the smallest plane I'd jumped was a caravan they laughed at me and told me I was spoiled. At the time I couldn't relate, but last weekend I jumped from a Cessna 182, and now will readily admit, yeah, I'm spoiled. Four of us climb into the cessna, we're sitting on the floor and trying to arrange ourselves so we fit. It was like "okay, you put your leg over mine, I'll put mine over his, etc." Kinda reminded me of that game "twister". We only go to 10.000 ft. cuz aparently it would take a long time to go higher. The three other people exit together. Now it's my turn. I hadn't thought to ask how to exit the plane, I should have. I try to get in the door, it's really windy. I try to put a leg on the strut. It blows off each time I try. I spend like 30 sec. trying to set up a presentable exit. Finally give up and just throw myself out the door. Now I know why the other people were waiting for the otter to go. But heck, it was a new experience for me, and maybe next time we have the smallest plane discussion they won't laugh at me (unless I relate this experience). So share your small plane experiences.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  13. Funny you should mention this Gia. I was jumping at Skydive Oregon last weekend, and along one side of the DZ are all these huge gorgeous homes with their own airstrip. I'd seen houses on the ocean with their own docks, but never houses on their own airstrip. But what I found out is that they don't use it for skydiving, but for commuting for work. What a waste :P.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  14. I don't travel a lot with my rig, but when I do it is in a duffle bag (carry on) and it's always gone right through the x-ray machine without a second glance. This time the belt stopped, with my rig in the x-ray machine area. The airport person said "hold on, I think we've got a parachute". Another airport person said "yeah, I think you're right, better call the supervisor". I'm like sweatin it, all nervous, I say "yes, it's a parachute, wanna see my cypress card, my TSO letter?" They say "no that's not necessary". I say "why do you need to call the supervisor?" They say "it's no big deal, we just don't get a lot of parachutes so have to call the supervisor when we get one". I say "you're not gonna make me unpack it are you?" They say "no, it's really no big deal". The supervisor shows up right away and makes sure I have my other stuff and can follow him to a table a few feet away. He scans the duffle bag, doesn't even open it or take my rig out, then says "okay, you're clear". Funny thing is, I ended up giving up my seat on that flight for a free ticket, so had to go through security again the next morning and this time my rig went through security without a second glance. So what's the deal?

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  15. Quote

    can i borrow it to get to eloy!!:)

    ill give it back, i promise:o

    Actually I was gonna use it for Eloy, but I would have to fly to Seattle from Burbank to get to Phoenix :P. So am thinking I will use it for another boogie :)

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

  16. My family had flown to Oregon for the weekend and when we were in the boarding area for our return flight they were asking for volunteers to give up their seats because they had overbooked. My son and I volunteered and in exchange for giving up our seats they gave us each a free RT airline ticket to anywhere they fly, good for one year, no black out dates. They booked us on the next available flight which wasn't until the next morning, put us up in a nice hotel near the airport for the night with a shuttle to take us there and back. Since our luggage had gone on the original flight the hotel supplied us with all the toiletries we needed. Not a big inconvenience. So I made it to work a little late, if I hadn't taken advantage of this opportunity my boss would have said why the heck didn't you do it. So how cool is that? Now I just have to decide how to use my free ticket. I'm thinking BOOGIE!

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller