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Posts posted by MrHixxx

  1. That's not fair, the only dz.comer I've met is Clay... While his titties didn't look so bad, I just couldn't kiss that face!
    xxx, Hixxx
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  2. I opened the forums thinking, "Please don't let there be a fatality from this weekend posted" and here it is.
    I concur. My condolences to family and friends.
    blue skies, Jon
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  3. While making love to my wife of 80 years together
    Good answer! I'm with Rhino on this one...
    Oh shit, if I get married now. I'll be 114 when it happens. Hope I can still skydive.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  4. I usually fly camera. So, I throw at 3,000. I decide at 2,000 and I chop as soon as the shit is clear... hopefully by 1,500. I do have a Cypres.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  5. Was I the only one who noticed that Obi-one belly flies like a bitch? I mean, I kinda expected Mantis position from a Jedei.
    I also thought Anakin's PLF was bit shabby. No five points of contact, just a weak feet - butt boom.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  6. You forgot...
    U U Aboriginie breasts
    V V Robot breasts
    (#) (#) Radical Mascectomy Breasts
    (X) (X) Plasmatics Breasts
    (:) (.) Superflous Nipple Breasts
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  7. Mmm....a two-hour ride on that sweet bike....i wonder how many multiples O's i can have!!
    I'll count, you can just enjoy the ride :)
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  8. I think i'm in love....come take me for a ride anytime!!
    See you at Dollar Daze... I usually have a club member haul my gear so I can ride. It is a nice two hour ride on curvy roads with some hills. Hum, this is starting to sound like something else :)
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  9. That is a nicely nutured TLR. Hands down, v-twins sound the coolest. I was real close to buying a 748 this year, but I just couldn't give up the ponys.
    On the skins, I think I am going back to the 207s. I loved the Metzer Z-1s I used to have on my CBR.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  10. And then the eternal question, knee dragger, or squid?
    Still a squid, the dunlop 208s aren't quite as sticky as the 207s on the other bike, so I am still in a bit of a confidence building program with the turns.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  11. Oh yeah, and a guess on the quote, was it by Leslie Nielson?
    It is from the movie Killing Zoe...
    My first bike was a 95 CBR 900, which was fun too...
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  12. I think it will hit about 180. I had my 2000 up to 174 on the speedo when it was new. Will have to get back to you on that one. I haven't take the new one out of the city yet...
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  13. 998 cc, fuel injection, 150 hp at the rear wheel, 170 at the crank. 382 lbs dry weight and just plain sexy!!!
    It is my third R1. Had a 98 that was totaled out from under me by a full size pick up (yup, that hurt). Just traded in a 2000 for this one, couldn't resist the improved frame, hp, and silver/black.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  14. For all you motorcycle enthusiasts out there. I just got my new bike past the break in period on the motor and I am sittin' here with some serious perma-grin after a ride. I attached a pic from the yamaha website of Daddy's new baby in all her glory. The sick part is, the colors match my rig... Is that so wrong?
    Go Fast, Take Chances - Hixxx
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  15. 1. How will it open?
    It wont.
    2. How will it fly?
    Like bedsheets from a fart.
    3. How will it turn?
    Like any other high speed malfunction.
    4. How will it land?
    Well enough to hide the body...
    Please shoot video :) -Hixxx
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  16. If I end up going with an aluminum mount I'll build it myself. I jump with several A&P mechanics that have shops plus I was a sheetmetal god for about 7 years in and out of the Air Force.
    As far as dimensions and weight go, Here's how it compares with the ultra tiny DCR-IP5
    This is sounding a little more like NASCAR than skydiving. I think more experienced dead camera fliers agree that putting a big camera on the side of you helmet with a home grown mount for a first camera is a recipe for disaster. Remember the sport produced 3 terrifically killed experienced camera fliers last year. In short, your scarin' me Clay.
    Return you camera. say your brother already bought you one for your birthday or that you got Gonnorhea real bad and need the $ for the medicine ( I would, but that's just me). Go to and give them your 1180.00 bucks for a PC-110 or 900 something of a PC-9. Buy a dbox from Bonehead and mount it. The right equipment, from the right company (sony has excellent service, so does Bonehead), in a safe configuration. Sony is definately the brand that the skydiving industry has embraced (I really wanted to buy a Canon, but when I was finished beating my head against a wall I bought Sony), so it really has the products to support it in the field. Camera flying is too dangerous to not have the right stuff, so you just go, spend the money, say thanks and have fun with it.
    You can send me a PM and I'll return it with a call anytime you have questions about my setup (Optik, PC110 sidemount with a d-box and cameye). Hope this helps
    Blue Skies, Jon
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  17. here it is.... all red and swollen....
    Hubba hubba!
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  18. I'll be in Brush, CO over memorial day since I'll be in Denver on business.
    I went to Emerald Coast last year for Memorial Day, that's is where I would be if I didn't have business in Denver.
    Lincoln Sport Parachute Club June 7, 8, 9
    Tryin to figure out if I can make Lost Prarie
    Still not interested in the WFFC...
    Dollar Daze (aka Couch Freaks) is a must every year.
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  19. Please stop marketing cool new helmets. I have three of your helmets already and I am not buying anymore this year!
    But really, why would I chose this helmet over a Havok (which I already have)? Just curious...
    Oh, I am in the huge melon club too. But better to have big head than no head right?
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  20. Geeshz, his 50 cal Desert Eagle woulda been sittin' in the water bottle holder on his bike while we was playin'...
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    i could go for some princess leah
    In the skimpy suit she had on in Jabba's palace.
    Unspeakable fantasies!!!
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  22. Definately have to try a weight belt on one. Getum up to about 2.4, but only over water of course... Fern branch wind blades... Humm...
    Maybe bring some Sugar Gliders into the mix too...
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S

  23. Any Dz.comers gonna be there over Memorial Day weekend? I'll be in Denver on business, so I thought I would drop by...
    "Sous ma tub, Dr Suess ma tub" :S