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  1. I went skydiving for the first time 3 weeks ago today. I loved it & had never experienced such an adrenaline rush in my life! I couldn't wait to do it again! Later that day, I noticed that I felt exhausted & very groggy, as if I had been drugged. I attributed that to the major adrenaline surge; something my body had never experienced quite so intensely. My girlfriend who had done the jump with me, felt tired also & she had a migraine. . But two days later I woke up with dizziness & an off-balance feeling. Since then, I've had trouble with turning my head or tilting it back. When I do, I get a feeling like I may fall over & my eyes feel like they're strained, as if I'm cross-eyed! About seven years ago I had a brief bout with vertigo, but it occurred one time for a week, & it was a very mild case which resolved itself. It also was not a result of any kind of activity- it just came & went for no apparent reason. Anyway, I had to call in sick a couple of days ago because it had caused me to feel nauseated. Went to the doctor that day & got Antivert(took away nauseau, but still just as dizzy & made me feel like a zombie.) I feel like the condition is starting to improve, and just yesterday I had a severe pain in my left ear for about 15 seconds which then went away as fast as it came about. Maybe an ear infection is resulting? I am posting this to see if anyone else has had a similar situation & also perhaps this is a warning to those who have an inner ear/vertigo problem, & are thinking of jumping. I'm pretty sure its got something to do with the air pressure. I remember as I was jumping, not being able to swallow since my mouth was completly dry from nervousness. Maybe by not swalling, I couldn't stabilize my inner ear? Don't know...maybe somebody does. Unfortunately, I don't think I could jump again if this is what will happen for weeks following...