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Everything posted by fallman

  1. and 57. you tried to wear your pants backwards like Kris Kross. woa....that was cool....
  2. i know that you wouldn't want to do this one at work, but when you really don't like the place that your at you can do what's known as the UPPER DECKER. This is when you remove the upper lid of the toilet and shit in there so it can't leave and is a real pain in the ass to clean up.(just for the record, i have never done this to anyone) woa....that was cool....
  3. Just got my A license (23 jumps), and moved down to san diego, away from my skydiving buds. Lovin the sport but lookin for people at my skill level to jump with. gotta go, bus for TJ leaves shortly! [email][email protected] woa....that was cool....